CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (Full Version)

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Ian R -> CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/8/2022 6:07:00 AM)

I have been getting repetitive crashes to disk during the air unit upgrade phase. This is something I have not seen in 12 years with AE, and was not seeing on the same hardware etc in a previous, different scenario, game.

This appears to be a scenario related problem ( I am testing some modifications of a mod).

I have found a couple of work arounds:

(a) restart, load the pre-turn save, give some more TF orders (including creating some new TFs);

(b) restart, load the pre-turn save, go to a couple of large (at peace) Soviet air bases - and change the auto-upgrade status of some Soviet units en masse.

Backing up a turn or two also seems to work, at least sometimes.

This is sometimes fixed with one reload and a tweak to TF orders, but can also be almost intractable at times, taking a dozen or more attempts to get a successfully resolved turn execution.

When the CTD is coming, the progress screen stalls on "UPDATE AIR UNITS" and you see it coming, otherwise it whizzes through that phase and you hardly see it at all.

Anyone else had this?

Could it be caused by something relating to a aircraft type upgrade path (fixable with a scenario edit), or some particular air unit, (also fixable within the game by permanently disbanding it)?

Yaab -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/8/2022 6:33:05 AM)

The aircraft you are trying to upgrade to probably has durability of 0. It has to have at least durability of 1.

Ian R -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/8/2022 11:31:40 AM)

I checked all aircraft durabilities - all are 11 (the ZPK dirigible) or greater. So no problem there.

Yaab -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/8/2022 11:52:16 AM)

I am out of ideas.

My solution was from here (discussion starts from post 223), Bottlenecks in Pacific mod.

BBfanboy -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/8/2022 1:50:53 PM)

I am no expert at modding, but an invalid upgrade path is what I would look for. I am not sure how the game engine decides an upgrade path is valid or not.

Ian R -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/8/2022 5:30:40 PM)

I've checked over the upgrade paths of all the aircraft types in the editor, and made sure they all point to the appropriate next model up the tree, or for the terminal model, itself. That is how they are set in stock scenario one. There are some cross overs - Beaufort to Beaufighter, etc - but they are as per the stock scenarios.

So that is another possibility eliminated.

michaelm75au -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/8/2022 10:17:37 PM)

If you have a save that crashes each time, please post it here and I can have a look.

Ian R -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/9/2022 12:34:31 AM)

Thanks Michael.

Save 005 attached.

I will attach the scenario file (s) in the next post.

Edit: After reading LST's scenario mod thread, I am starting to suspect the problem relates to some IJ aircraft upgrade paths leading to blank lines in the data base. The copy scenario below includes those paths - I am rectifying those to see if that helps.

Ian R -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/9/2022 12:40:31 AM)


Ian R -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/9/2022 12:51:19 AM)



I am out of ideas.

My solution was from here (discussion starts from post 223), Bottlenecks in Pacific mod.

gervabit's post #225 shows exactly the same crash.

I'm guessing this is something generated by scenario modifications, as opposed to a bug per se - but it would be good if Michael can identify the origin, so we can put it on the "don't do that" list.

Edit: I would be most interested to see if Michael finds that the problem relates to some IJ aircraft upgrade paths leading to blank lines in the data base.

michaelm75au -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/10/2022 5:37:38 AM)

Yes, it is because of upgrading to 'blank' aircraft types.
I thought I had prevented that ages ago but there was must a hole in the logic somewhere. I'll make it ignore 'blank' upgrades so it won't crash out of the game.

Example code says air type 684 upgrades to type 689.

Ian R -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/10/2022 5:53:34 AM)

Cheers Michael, thanks.

I went through and sorted them all out, and now it's all WAD- no CTDs.

For the moment I'll add it to the 'don't do this' list, along with avoiding ship class line #813.

Chris21wen -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/10/2022 7:31:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: michaelm75au

Yes, it is because of upgrading to 'blank' aircraft types.
I thought I had prevented that ages ago but there was must a hole in the logic somewhere. I'll make it ignore 'blank' upgrades so it won't crash out of the game.

Example code says air type 684 upgrades to type 689.

First time i've seen a post from you for ages. Sounds like your back coding?

michaelm75au -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/10/2022 7:59:12 AM)

Yes. For the 'final' curtain as they say.

Kull -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/10/2022 3:48:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: michaelm75au

Yes, it is because of upgrading to 'blank' aircraft types.
I thought I had prevented that ages ago but there was must a hole in the logic somewhere. I'll make it ignore 'blank' upgrades so it won't crash out of the game.

Example code says air type 684 upgrades to type 689.


Chris21wen -> RE: CTD during Air Unit upgrade phase (1/11/2022 7:16:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: michaelm75au

Yes. For the 'final' curtain as they say.


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