cameron88 -> RE: Italian Alpini divisions (1/26/2022 11:39:45 AM)
I actually did exactly this in my 1942 overhaul mod i made, might post it here someday but was waiting for editor update to see what else is possible. There's also Bersaglieri regiments, Italian airborne, ski battalions, armored divisions, and some other elite units that needed their morale raised accordingly. Also Italian airforce has an arbitrary morale debuff, which makes it trade 1:1 or sometimes unfavorably against the Soviets, which is completely unhistorical, so raising it to the same as their experience which is around 65, led to more historical results. But anyway this thread is about Alpini TOE, and i hope the developers update it in the base game, because they were by most historical research around the same size as a German infantry division in manpower, and also number of horses/mules, which is not the case ingame currently where their total strength is merely half.