lion_of_judah -> 1835 (1/16/2022 4:47:13 PM)
This Scenario depicts the 19th century from 1835 to possibly WW1 if it makes it that far. Certain nations will be able to play " inspire the people card" allowing them to deploy militia regiments. There will also be a card for the US, once Texas falls, that will say " Remember the Alamo" allowing the US player to mobilize several infantry and cavalry regiments immediately. Oil is not available until the late 1800's between 1861-1870. First level of ships use no fuel, this simulates sailing ships of the time. This is a work in progress but will have other features. Level two ships will use coal as their fuel, as these will be steam ships. Coal is very important as you need coal too make steel, which you have to have in order to build any unit, along with raw and manpower. Main HQ's will have normal command radius, but Corps HQ will only have 1-2 command radius. This image below shows the war of the pacific starting earlier, than it originally did. [image]local://upfiles/23616/4A10654FA1C6403683F80B853A2BE855.jpg[/image]