Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (Full Version)

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BananaConvention -> Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/19/2022 11:33:40 PM)

I am very new to the game. I may be missing something here, but when I send a Transport or Amphib convoy to a base to load troops, it loads the troops then immediately starts loading supplies after. It has, on many occasions, robbed thousands of supply points from a base that I didn't want to load onto the transports.

Is there any way to intervene from transport or amphib conboy ships immediately loading supplies once the troops are boarded? I don' want that to occur any longer if there is a way to prevent it.

Zovs -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/19/2022 11:39:11 PM)

Don’t know the answer to your question but when I read the manual it also sets supplies away for the loaded troops otherwise they will starve, IIRC. See 6.3.2 on why and how not to. Note I am a newbie still.

Kull -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/19/2022 11:41:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: BananaConvention

I am very new to the game. I may be missing something here, but when I send a Transport or Amphib convoy to a base to load troops, it loads the troops then immediately starts loading supplies after. It has, on many occasions, robbed thousands of supply points from a base that I didn't want to load onto the transports.

Is there any way to intervene from transport or amphib conboy ships immediately loading supplies once the troops are boarded? I don' want that to occur any longer if there is a way to prevent it.

Right after you click the "Load Troops" button, a new screen appears and at the bottom left is a "TurnOnLoad Troops Only" button.

RangerJoe -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/19/2022 11:45:24 PM)




ORIGINAL: BananaConvention

I am very new to the game. I may be missing something here, but when I send a Transport or Amphib convoy to a base to load troops, it loads the troops then immediately starts loading supplies after. It has, on many occasions, robbed thousands of supply points from a base that I didn't want to load onto the transports.

Is there any way to intervene from transport or amphib conboy ships immediately loading supplies once the troops are boarded? I don' want that to occur any longer if there is a way to prevent it.

Right after you click the "Load Troops" button, a new screen appears and at the bottom left is a "TurnOnLoad Troops Only" button.

Yes but it must be noted that when loaded amphibiously that there will still be supplies loaded, I do believe three days worth of supplies.

The supplies are not being "robbed" but rather you apparently did not know about the "do not load the supplies" and there is an even more important one for not loading fuel. After all, the fuel tends to burn if the ship is damaged and will thus BBQ everything on board.

BananaConvention -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/19/2022 11:45:53 PM)


Right after you click the "Load Troops" button, a new screen appears and at the bottom left is a "TurnOnLoad Troops Only" button.

Mind blown. I've seen that button so many times but didn't bother to look at it. GRATEFUL to you!

RangerJoe -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/19/2022 11:48:09 PM)

Also, and maybe more importantly, welcome to the forum.

Here are some threads to bookmark and read:

FAQ / Info for Newb's

Useful Info for Beginners

BananaConvention -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/19/2022 11:49:27 PM)

Noted and thank you. Loading 3 days of supplies is acceptable. Loading the entire base's supplies is not!

BBfanboy -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 12:20:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: BananaConvention

Noted and thank you. Loading 3 days of supplies is acceptable. Loading the entire base's supplies is not!

After loading your troops with minimal supplies, if you wish to add supplies from another base so the troops will have plenty when they disembark, DON'T FORGET TO SET THE TF TO "DO NOT UNLOAD" AND "REMAIN ON STATION" before you dock at the second port. Once the additional supplies are loaded and the TF is underway again, DON'T FORGET TO SET THE TF TO "UNLOAD" so it will do so when it gets to destination.

Things like that are why I touch on every TF on my board to ensure all is going as planned (but maybe not yet properly ordered!). [:)]

Zovs -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 12:39:29 AM)

Excellent tips! Thanks guys!

RangerJoe -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 12:44:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: BananaConvention

Noted and thank you. Loading 3 days of supplies is acceptable. Loading the entire base's supplies is not!

Yes. Have fun with the game and enjoy it.

RangerJoe -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 12:46:07 AM)

Don't forget also that you can name your convoys so you know what should go where . . .

Don't give the officers the maps![;)]

Zovs -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 12:49:27 AM)

Ok DAT question, all mine are named TFxxx what is a good TF ? TF Darwin Supplies?

Told ya it’s a DAT question ( first thing they taught us in boot camp “the only dumb question is the one not asked” )

Zovs -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 12:50:31 AM)

…probably cause we were all DATs lol…

jdsrae -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 1:19:20 AM)

You can name your TFs whatever shorthand works for you.
The name you type appears during a mouse over without having to click on the TF.

For a troop convoy I might type the main unit and destination, eg: 9AusDiv Melb

For IJN convoys, I use a prefix of R, S, O or F to remind me what is loaded.
Then the first three letters of port from/port to.
Eg: OPalSin = Oil from Palembang to Singapore.

It saves me from diverting task forces from their intended purpose unless there is some sort of urgent need, especially the convoys set to run continuously.

RangerJoe -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 1:20:04 AM)



Ok DAT question, all mine are named TFxxx what is a good TF ? TF Darwin Supplies?

Told ya it’s a DAT question ( first thing they taught us in boot camp “the only dumb question is the one not asked” )

Pearl Harbor Fuel, Sydney Fuel, Pearl Harbor Supplies, Sydney Supplies. Generally, use the shorter legged vessels for the closer ports. Set up refueling hubs so a small fuel convoy might be Christmas Island (PAC) fuel.

Guadalcanal Invasion should be an obvious one.

For ground units going to Oz for Mac, SWPAC land forces . . .

"The only stupid question is the one that has been asked twice." That is because you weren't listening the first time. Clarification is not stupid. Rewording the question that is asking the same thing is stupid but it has been done here . . .

Kull -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 1:35:38 AM)

"TF naming" is also an in-game way to post reminders for yourself. I create a number of 1-ship TFs and leave them parked in LA, but the TF name is something like "Don't forget transiting air unit at location X" or "Land unit railing to Cooktown needs to be in combat mode", etc. Of course even those reminders need shorthand to fit within the available space, but you get the idea. Especially useful for unit moves and other things going on in the backwater areas.

Zovs -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 1:41:09 AM)

Thanks fellows those TF ideas really helped.


Chris21wen -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 6:32:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: BananaConvention

Noted and thank you. Loading 3 days of supplies is acceptable. Loading the entire base's supplies is not!

It will never do that, might take the majority but it will alway leave some for the bases immediate need, Think its 3 days again but might be 5.

Yaab -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 6:53:16 AM)

It is three days of combat / three weeks of non-combat

BananaConvention -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 1:16:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: BananaConvention

I am very new to the game. I may be missing something here, but when I send a Transport or Amphib convoy to a base to load troops, it loads the troops then immediately starts loading supplies after. It has, on many occasions, robbed thousands of supply points from a base that I didn't want to load onto the transports.

Is there any way to intervene from transport or amphib conboy ships immediately loading supplies once the troops are boarded? I don' want that to occur any longer if there is a way to prevent it.

Can’t say I’ve seen that. I had a convoy that loaded troops and proceeded to load the base supply down to 0 before I realized what it had done.

BBfanboy -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 2:14:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: BananaConvention


ORIGINAL: BananaConvention

I am very new to the game. I may be missing something here, but when I send a Transport or Amphib convoy to a base to load troops, it loads the troops then immediately starts loading supplies after. It has, on many occasions, robbed thousands of supply points from a base that I didn't want to load onto the transports.

Is there any way to intervene from transport or amphib conboy ships immediately loading supplies once the troops are boarded? I don' want that to occur any longer if there is a way to prevent it.

Can’t say I’ve seen that. I had a convoy that loaded troops and proceeded to load the base supply down to 0 before I realized what it had done.

That can happen in one turn if the unit loaded is small and the base is very low on supply to start with. In that situation you must click the "Load Troops Only" option before the TF starts loading. If the supply is already loaded before you notice the problem, your choices are to unload the unit and reload with the troops only option, or let the troop TF depart and bring in supply asap by ship, sub or plane. (I assume the base is not on a well-supplied continental land mass).

EDIT to add: If the loading is going to take several turns and you start out with the "Load Troops Only" option OFF, you have time to correct it before the supply starts loading. The TF screen will show text saying "Change TF Loading Orders" or something like that. When you click on that you can add the "Load Troops Only" option, you can add a ship and redistribute the load or set minimum ships and remove unneeded ships from the TF.

Yaab -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 2:54:29 PM)

Re TF naming conventions.

I use "Adm+" and "Cpt+" tags in TF names to indicate that I have already swapped TF's admiral for a better leader and ship captains for better leaders.

Don Bowen -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/20/2022 9:24:21 PM)

Amphibious TFs loading minimum supply is actually a fix to alleviate one problem. I'm sorry it caused you a different problem.

In early playtesting we noticed that players tended to maximize combat units to be loaded without consideration of supplies. This would cause the TF to max out it's capacity on troops and not load any supplies. The invasion force would then land, quickly run out of supplies, and be wiped out. The auto-loading of supply is intended to prevent this. Supplies are actually loaded in increments as each combat sub-unit is loaded. This ensures that troops that are loaded will have sufficient supply, even if no room is left for a portion of the assigned force. But the troops that do load will have enough supply to fight. A separate, seldom seen, feature will automatically reload and withdraw a landing force that is mauled on it's initial assult - saving at least part of the force so units can be rebuilt.

The use of amphibious task forces to land troops at friendly but un- or under- developed bases was not a design feature. Rather it was a workaround figured out by the clever AE players. Automatic load of supply in this case is also benefitial to allow those troops to function.

Note that the Do Not Load Supplies option does not apply in this circumstance, but if I remember correctly, it will prevent load of supplies in excess of the 3-day minimum. If an amphibious TF attempting to load an invasion force completely drains a base of supply, the base was most likely not suffiently supplied to mount that invasion.

Macquarrie1999 -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/21/2022 3:25:36 AM)

I name my convoys with their destination and job. For example, Perth Fuel, Pearl Cargo, Lunga Amphib, LA ASW.

I don't bother naming surface task forces.

Kull -> RE: Troop Convoys loading supplies after troops - stop it! (1/21/2022 3:48:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: BananaConvention


Right after you click the "Load Troops" button, a new screen appears and at the bottom left is a "TurnOnLoad Troops Only" button.

Mind blown. I've seen that button so many times but didn't bother to look at it. GRATEFUL to you!

Don't worry, you're not the only one who's been staring at a button and never clicked it! And you have a MUCH better excuse than me! [:D]

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