Aeson -> RE: Several questions (1/21/2022 5:45:11 PM)
If you aren't playing Distant Worlds: Shadows or Distant Worlds: Universe, then to my recollection pirates using the player empire's obsolete warship designs is expected behavior, as it keeps their ships moderately up-to-date without (normally) giving the pirates anything too powerful. Also, if I recall correctly pre-Shadows pirates would only use escort and frigate designs, or maybe escort, frigate, and destroyer designs. Independent freighters were handled the same way for largely the same reasons and might still be handled thusly in Shadows/Universe once standard empires reach something on par with the basic tech level in the base game. Pirates and independents also only used the base version of whatever components were in the design since, as they weren't fully-fledged factions, they didn't have access to the improvements available from the research tree. Thus, pirate/independent ships were usually inferior to a ship of exactly the same design belonging to your own empire. This remains true for independents but not for pirates in Shadows/Universe. If you are playing Shadows/Universe, be aware that ship class names are chosen from a list set by the founding species of the empire or pirate faction and so a Sluken pirate faction and a Sluken empire might both field escorts using the same class name without one necessarily having 'stolen' a design from the other.