Phoenix100 -> RE: Vietnam_no3D.exe scrolling is broken (1/27/2022 6:59:43 PM)
Me too. It really doesn't work, the no-3D exec. It stutters all over and is much much slower than the ordinary ex. I would really like to use it as I never ever use the 3D screens, and would actually like to reap the promised performance benefits of using the no-3d exec, but they just don't exist. There's a bug of some sort and it's actually the reverse of what you intend - the no-3d exec is way, way slower and - worse - super-laggy. The scroll bar workaround mentioned above does work to fix the scrolling issue, but who wants to scroll using the scroll bar? Not me, anyway. Plus, it's more than just the scrolling - the clicking and so on lags, and even turn times. Thanks.