CSVN/CSME Alternate 2D Unit Highlighting (Full Version)

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Hub6Actual -> CSVN/CSME Alternate 2D Unit Highlighting (1/20/2022 10:38:29 PM)

Link removed. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Crossroads -> RE: CSVN/CSME Alternate 2D Unit Highlighting (1/21/2022 7:00:12 AM)

That's quite neat, thanks @Hub6Actual!

Monkie -> RE: CSVN/CSME Alternate 2D Unit Highlighting (1/26/2022 5:54:08 PM)

For some reason green is still green, not seeing the new graphic showing up, even tried it in Campaign Middle East with no success.

Any ideas? was something changed?

Hub6Actual -> RE: CSVN/CSME Alternate 2D Unit Highlighting (1/26/2022 9:58:47 PM)

Nothing has changed since it's creation. Options>Highlight Colors>Green is what the setting needs to be, as green is replaced by the "barber pole" coloration.

Monkie -> RE: CSVN/CSME Alternate 2D Unit Highlighting (1/26/2022 11:09:59 PM)

That is exactly what I'm doing, and I am seeing it as green not the red and yellow. The files are in the Graphics/units/2D folder, I can see the edited graphic file in the right place but when I select green it's green. I've tried every color there is, no change. It's got to be something simple I'm not doing.

Hub6Actual -> RE: CSVN/CSME Alternate 2D Unit Highlighting (1/27/2022 5:01:51 AM)

I have no idea why it's not working for you. I've been using it all night with both games and no issues. Don't really know what to say.

Monkie -> RE: CSVN/CSME Alternate 2D Unit Highlighting (1/27/2022 5:58:48 AM)

yes it's very odd, I've modded a lot of Tiller games with my own graphics and I think I even have this same type of cursor for some of the Campaign games that is why this is so frustrating, it should be simple. The only thing I wonder is if it's somehow connected to some options in the game but that sounds like a long shot.

Crossroads -> RE: CSVN/CSME Alternate 2D Unit Highlighting (1/27/2022 10:15:55 AM)

I can confirm it works with my install, too. Here's a screenshot.

And while at it, I'd strongly recommend to use the included JoneSoft Mod Enabler module to activate any mods:

  • Unzip the rar provided by Hub6Actual, place the unzipped folder to your \Mods subfolder.
  • Fire up JSGME.exe from the game folder. Agree to security, MODS folder questions as they appear.
  • Activate the mod by moving it to right column.
  • If you don't want to have the mod in place anymore, deactive the mod back to left column.

    I strongly advise against playing with the file structure and files there without JSGME.

    As it is zipped by Hub6Actual, the mod already supports JSGME, so just use it [:)]


  • Monkie -> RE: CSVN/CSME Alternate 2D Unit Highlighting (1/27/2022 5:59:09 PM)

    Ok I get it now, it's not meant to change the actual CURSOR highlight but rather the general highlights such as LZ's etc. It is working, though it's too bad it doesn't change the cursor, that is what I tend to have trouble seeing at times. Thanks for the mod.

    Crossroads -> RE: CSVN/CSME Alternate 2D Unit Highlighting (1/27/2022 6:07:01 PM)

    I am not at my computer but tou should see options for cursor at Options menu.

    Monkie -> RE: CSVN/CSME Alternate 2D Unit Highlighting (1/27/2022 7:43:08 PM)

    When I mean Cursor I don't mean the cursor cross but rather the currently selected stack outline. For example when I press the N key to select the next unit the outline moves over the stack with the currently selected unit. Unfortunately even with this mod the selected unit highlight doesn't use the yellow red high visibility colors. Sometimes when I'm working my way through the units it's tough to see the outline even if I adjust the color.

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