Are terrain modifiers, eg -60% for Mountains only applicable to the attack?
AlvaroSousa -> RE: Terrain (1/22/2022 1:37:49 PM)
Yes against the attackers. It reduces their combat values.
aoffen -> RE: Terrain (1/22/2022 9:44:56 PM)
Is that what the terrain mouse hover reflects when it says defense is 1.7x? That is about the same as -60% on the attacker. I assume they aren’t cumulative effects.
AlvaroSousa -> RE: Terrain (1/23/2022 1:47:39 PM)
It is the inverse equivalent that is easier to read than -35% terrain X -25% weather X -50% river and you going "huh".
So it changes these values to the defender having, in this case 4.0x defense. 1 / ((1-.35) * (1-.25) * (1-.5))
That with the odds should give you an "idea" of how the attack will go which is what is intended. You have an idea.