Nico165b165 -> RE: Jump map behaviour (1/23/2022 12:37:39 PM)
ORIGINAL: berto The jumped-to hex becomes the new "hot spot" hex mainly for this reason: it anchors the map display at that point. So if you change the zoom level, the map display will remain centered around that new location. Otherwise, a zoom change would send the map back to the earlier (and unchanged) hot spot. That's an interesting use of the Jump Map you describe, but not the only use. In many (most?) cases, players will want to jump to a new area to conduct operations there. For long distance helo hops (fly High!), I usually switch to Zoom levels (hot keys) 8 or 9. Then press the appropriate hot key (1 thru 9) to return to my earlier Zoom. Ok I understand. A zoom-on-the-cursor function instead of zoom-on-the-selection would be another good thing imho but I guess it would be even more engine change [:)] I tried with the hotkeys, 9 gives just enough zoom-out to move the helos without having to scroll, then a left click to focus on the action and 5 to get back closer. Already better, thanks !