Using mouse to move on map (Full Version)

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Zap -> Using mouse to move on map (1/24/2022 6:10:02 PM)

In CS I have always been able to left click and hold that button to move the map to the location I want to go. I can't use that feature in this game. Is there a way to activate that so I can easily move to the location I need to be. As it is I must use the wheel to scroll out click on the location these the wheel to scroll back in. I have a gaming laptop which handles pretty well all aspects but my mouse wheel has become very sensitive and I find that with a small movement I zoom in and out without wanting to. Actually every turn I am being zoomed in and out but I would only like to stay at 2d.

Jason Petho -> RE: Using mouse to move on map (1/24/2022 6:23:27 PM)

I'm trying to replicate what you mean?

In CSME I'm left clicking and holding, but nothing happens? What happens with you?

Jason Petho -> RE: Using mouse to move on map (1/24/2022 7:06:57 PM)

You can also turn off the mouse wheel scroll if you want under options.

Then you can select the zoom level from the hotkeys to move to the highlighted hex or just press the space bar (that was the old way of doing it)

Zap -> RE: Using mouse to move on map (1/24/2022 7:12:39 PM)

Poorly explained. In EF or WF when I move my mouse arrow to one edge of the map more map will be revealed. So I am able to move my mouse to right side of the screen, doing this will take me to the farthest right of the map. If I move my mouse to the left edge of the screen I will be able to go to the other side of the map. In CSVN if i try moving the map by moving my mouse to one edge or the other the map will not move with my mouse but stays. In other words the map will not follow the mouse. I'm sorry that the best i can explain it.

Jason Petho -> RE: Using mouse to move on map (1/24/2022 7:14:56 PM)

Did you try Options - Scrolling - Screen Edge?

Zap -> RE: Using mouse to move on map (1/24/2022 8:24:59 PM)

That was it thank you Jason

Jason Petho -> RE: Using mouse to move on map (1/24/2022 8:26:52 PM)

You're most welcome!

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