RE: Next Patch (Full Version)

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ncc1701e -> RE: Next Patch (1/28/2022 5:00:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: stjeand

For me the shock armies should appear with better and better experience...say 30 for the 1st...31 for the second and so on.

Not a big change.

But I am starting to like

Large Army 36, Small Army 24 and Division they can actually spread out more.

I agree with you. It would perhaps work. But, I remember Flavius has asked the ability to buy Half Army (at 18 strength) in addition to Large Army and Alvaro said that the current structure of the game was not able to do this.

We will see.

stjeand -> RE: Next Patch (1/28/2022 6:49:32 PM)


BUT if you change the Division, Small Corp and Large corp to the above works fine.

Basically you can merger 3 12 str divisions and they become an 36
Sadly you can't call them Armies though...they show up as Large Corps though could be named XXXX Army

It takes away the army / half army fixes the ability to build something smaller.

aoffen -> RE: Next Patch (1/28/2022 8:26:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: ncc1701e

Don't you think also that Persia is overpowered? [:)]

This is a joke for my friend aoffen.

On the contrary. Mighty Persia is wholly underrated in this game and should be much stronger. Detailed analysis would show that their manpower PP and tech level are all wrong and totally unrealistic. The fact that they can’t go on the offensive in Southern Russia and into Iraq makes a mockery of the game. I think the whole game is broken and I am considering walking away to play something more realistic like Stelaris.

Nirosi -> RE: Next Patch (1/28/2022 8:58:44 PM)


On the contrary. Mighty Persia is wholly underrated in this game and should be much stronger. Detailed analysis would show that their manpower PP and tech level are all wrong and totally unrealistic. The fact that they can’t go on the offensive in Southern Russia and into Iraq makes a mockery of the game. I think the whole game is broken and I am considering walking away to play something more realistic like Stelaris.

That is so true. I read in a book (toward the end I think), that had they gone with one side or the other in late 1940 or early 1941, they would have given victory to that side by themselves within 6 months! Alvaro need to have a look at that for sure!

ncc1701e -> RE: Next Patch (1/29/2022 8:58:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: aoffen


ORIGINAL: ncc1701e

Don't you think also that Persia is overpowered? [:)]

This is a joke for my friend aoffen.

On the contrary. Mighty Persia is wholly underrated in this game and should be much stronger. Detailed analysis would show that their manpower PP and tech level are all wrong and totally unrealistic. The fact that they can’t go on the offensive in Southern Russia and into Iraq makes a mockery of the game. I think the whole game is broken and I am considering walking away to play something more realistic like Stelaris.


ncc1701e -> RE: Next Patch (1/29/2022 12:30:41 PM)

Few observations from my last Allies game:

1. Reserve armies are always coming late. I would prefer less reserve armies in the Deployment queue but more infantry armies with fixed arrival dates.
2. Conversion of rifle corps to half rifle armies pace seems ok to me. But, as already told, damaged rifle corps are automatically repaired without costs. This is a bug for me.

In this game, Barbarossa has started turn 47 meaning June 6, 1941. The problem is that Germans have already taken Moscow on September 12, 1941.
In seven turns... Historically, Germans are still around Smolensk.

Why? Quite simple, Russians just don't have enough power to resist. Thus, you are obliged to withdraw to keep a frontline otherwise this is an encirclement and, if so, game over.

If I know I have plenty of armies coming behind, I would be happy to fight with all my corps... But this is not the case. Not enough PP or reserve armies.

Since the game considers the Russian army to be substandard:

1. I would be happy to consider the cost of a Russian army at 100PP instead of 180PP.

2. I would be also happy to consider 30 day to build a Russian army instead of 60 days, like this there are coming much faster.

Where are all these 1941 battles in the game?

Staraya Russa


stjeand -> RE: Next Patch (1/29/2022 5:04:15 PM)

Also another suggestion...

Add scenarios for testing larger changes.
Say you were taking a big swing at the Russians...if you make another scenario people will test it out and report back.
Minor changes for the main scenarios.

Also if you make a PBEM scenario only you can add more code in the even file and remove all the AI stuff...
That way it will speed up.

aoffen -> RE: Next Patch (1/29/2022 8:05:05 PM)

That’s true. I had thought you need to give Russia more PP. That has consequences for later in the war. Making their infantry armies cheaper though is a more elegant solution. Dropping Russian infantry costs by say 1/3 until a certain date (perhaps end of 42) gives them the ability to raise more armies and continue to defend after all those early losses. Not sure if Manpower will become an issue,

ncc1701e -> RE: Next Patch (1/29/2022 9:27:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: aoffen

That’s true. I had thought you need to give Russia more PP. That has consequences for later in the war. Making their infantry armies cheaper though is a more elegant solution. Dropping Russian infantry costs by say 1/3 until a certain date (perhaps end of 42) gives them the ability to raise more armies and continue to defend after all those early losses. Not sure if Manpower will become an issue,

Indeed, we can perfectly adapt the cost of unit by event. Russian army can be cheaper until a certain date.

Nirosi -> RE: Next Patch (1/29/2022 10:18:09 PM)

Oups! Wrong threat! Wanted to post in AAR. Sorry!

generalfdog -> RE: Next Patch (1/30/2022 3:10:33 AM)

I think 42 Russia does need a little boost 41 Russia is fine (41 Russia did suck and were pretty much crushed everywhere) maybe just a few more reserve armies that come in later, or going up 5% as Alvaro suggested might just do it. Honestly I have had quit a few games where Germany had a hard time in Russia or put to much in to it and western allies are invading France in 42 so I wouldn't get carried away I think it's close as is.

canuckgamer -> RE: Next Patch (1/30/2022 3:24:26 AM)

It is May 42 in our PBEM game and I expect the Germans to unleash their summer offensive as soon as the weather is decent. In our first PBEM game the Russians collapsed in 42. I'm hoping that the new patch will be released next week and will have some changes that will help the Russians to survive. We were in 1940 when the last patch was released and even though we both updated, we were told that for the decreased rail advancement to take effect we would have to start a new game. We decided to continue with this game given how far were.

ncc1701e -> RE: Next Patch (1/30/2022 8:52:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: canuckgamer

It is May 42 in our PBEM game and I expect the Germans to unleash their summer offensive as soon as the weather is decent. In our first PBEM game the Russians collapsed in 42. I'm hoping that the new patch will be released next week and will have some changes that will help the Russians to survive. We were in 1940 when the last patch was released and even though we both updated, we were told that for the decreased rail advancement to take effect we would have to start a new game. We decided to continue with this game given how far were.

The problem is linked to the experience of land units. A new patch won't solve suddenly the problem in an already started game. Releasing a patch next week is a little quick. Changes must be tested on the long run.

AlvaroSousa -> RE: Next Patch (1/31/2022 4:59:52 PM)

Overrun rule changes are coming to where units don't blow up.
Reinforcement button has been changed to allow no reinforce/reinforce/reinforce+upgrade

I think these should work. Small changes people.

The air boost from last patch I guess made air viable again.

Nirosi -> RE: Next Patch (1/31/2022 5:27:58 PM)


Reinforcement button has been changed to allow no reinforce/reinforce/reinforce+upgrade

Thank you, thank you, thank you![&o]

stjeand -> RE: Next Patch (1/31/2022 5:32:10 PM)

What about just upgrade or is that there and you forgot to add?

The air patch is making air better but there are some minor issues...that require more testing.

I can take Gibraltar with little issue as Axis. I have tested large corp standard and in garrison. Get through either 100% of the time.
I can also invade the UK almost with the Axis...they will need multiple armor / mech to prevent it. Large infantry corps just get swept away.

AlvaroSousa -> RE: Next Patch (2/1/2022 2:46:00 AM)

The upgrade is tied to repair due to coding and it makes sense as equipment gets replaced. Also are you upgrading a half strength unit or repairing it?

As for Gib in what reference? Vs the A.I., through spain? through North Africa with air support and invasion?

stjeand -> RE: Next Patch (2/1/2022 10:46:27 AM)


As for Gib in what reference? Vs the A.I., through spain? through North Africa with air support and invasion?

For upgrade...

Lets take the Finnish...

Their manpower is rough. So quickly they can have issues especially after building anything...
If you have a large corps that is 28 of 30. It is 1939 tech but manpower is at 40% exp. I want to just upgrade the unit...NOT reinforce. I can wait to get reinforcements as manpower grows because upgrading up gives the unit bonuses.
It would even be nice to save manpower by upgrading half strength units and not reinforcing. Especially for the Russians in 41 when manpower starts to cause issues.
That was my hope.
But if that is coding then I do not see a way.

Gibraltar is air from Africa and Italian navy assist.
I can do it with 6 or 7 ground attack left for full support to help the armor, tested with heavy artillery.
They just pound the unit and it will surrender.
Says 2 to 1 odds but the unit is so beat down it just fails to hold.
NOW the Axis require a second unit to land because armor can not move there but...that is easy enough.

IF the Allies put a division there...shame on them. And a small corps has NO chance at all.

I would hate to have to leave a mechanized there to hold...but maybe that keeps one busy?

I would rather be forcing the UK to garrison GB than have to heavily reinforce Gibraltar.

Nirosi -> RE: Next Patch (2/1/2022 12:34:52 PM)

Yes, please. "Just Upgrade" too (I assumed it was as well in the patch). As Stjeand said, when low on MPs, that is the only thing you can/should do do : send new equipment, but no men because you lack them. and for the Fins, that is basically always.

AlvaroSousa -> RE: Next Patch (2/1/2022 1:51:29 PM)

Well of course if you bring 6-7 planes and commit all that strength to Gibraltar you SHOULD take it and there is nothing they can do about it.

The Allies need to delay you in North Africa.

stjeand -> RE: Next Patch (2/1/2022 3:31:05 PM)

The Allies can do nothing when French NA falls...
In Small Fleets it is impossible for them to prevent because the Germans send their complete airforce there winter of 1940 and NO UK ships can be in the Med at that point.

This will be a new standard tactic...I will now do it 100%...

Impossible for Allies to prevent call of Vichy NA.
Once it falls move the airforce there and Gib will fall.

Maybe I am just a bad Allied player...but I see no way to stop it.

sveint -> RE: Next Patch (2/1/2022 6:51:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: stjeand

The Allies can do nothing when French NA falls...
In Small Fleets it is impossible for them to prevent because the Germans send their complete airforce there winter of 1940 and NO UK ships can be in the Med at that point.

This will be a new standard tactic...I will now do it 100%...

Impossible for Allies to prevent call of Vichy NA.
Once it falls move the airforce there and Gib will fall.

Maybe I am just a bad Allied player...but I see no way to stop it.

So you take Gibraltar while taking some losses, so what?

The UK has faster lines down there anyway, easy to counter-invade Morocco and send UK fighters. Personally I am willing to take some losses to the British fleet, so good luck. You'll just make yourself weaker for Barbarossa.

Reality is (and was), if the Axis really wanted to they could take Malta, North Africa and Gibraltar. But historically they didn't want to, indeed they left French North Africa alone. Even Rommel's Africa Corps was just meant to delay the Allies, not conquer Egypt.

aoffen -> RE: Next Patch (2/1/2022 9:04:36 PM)

I assume you are attacking Spain as well? How else do you get attacks on Gibraltar other than amphibious assault?
In one of my current games I lost Gib in autumn of 1941. The Axis didn’t attack Russia in 1941 but went everywhere else instead. Spain fell and Gib survived a ferocious Axis assault for 2 months before finally succumbing the turn before rains hit. I thought I could hold it as I rotated troops in and out under strong fighter cover, but I think I got unlucky just at the end. It was a hell of a fight.

sveint -> RE: Next Patch (2/1/2022 9:23:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: aoffen
I assume you are attacking Spain as well? How else do you get attacks on Gibraltar other than amphibious assault?

You "just" need air based in Morocco (lots of it). The UK can easily "blockade" Gibraltar defensively though. In the long run this will be costly for the Royal Navy.

stjeand -> RE: Next Patch (2/2/2022 11:49:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: aoffen

I assume you are attacking Spain as well? How else do you get attacks on Gibraltar other than amphibious assault?
In one of my current games I lost Gib in autumn of 1941. The Axis didn’t attack Russia in 1941 but went everywhere else instead. Spain fell and Gib survived a ferocious Axis assault for 2 months before finally succumbing the turn before rains hit. I thought I could hold it as I rotated troops in and out under strong fighter cover, but I think I got unlucky just at the end. It was a hell of a fight.

No just amphibious invasion...
Air is strong enough now to drive the unit to surrender after one attack.
YOU do need another unit to land though because your armor will not be allowed to advance. But that is trivial.
With the Allies cut out of the Med and the Italian navy free to roam the Atlantic and sink MM, the Allies are in deep trouble.

Perhaps they can survive but I have not seen them when Gib fell.

I leave Spain alone. That way the Allies have to attack through Portugal and they join the Axis. They are pretty powerful once they get situated. A lot of corps to help.

AlvaroSousa -> RE: Next Patch (2/2/2022 3:08:44 PM)

One thing all of you are forgetting is that the UK can invade Portugal and use night missions for supply and support from Portimao at 122,24.

Years of playing World in Flames. I have seen all sorts of invade Gibraltar strategy defense.

generalfdog -> RE: Next Patch (2/9/2022 1:27:49 AM)

Fix the Azores please, they can't be invaded

AlvaroSousa -> RE: Next Patch (2/9/2022 12:49:56 PM)

It's been fixed in the next patch

CHINCHIN -> RE: Next Patch (2/9/2022 8:28:47 PM)

Approximate release date of the new patch?

AlvaroSousa -> RE: Next Patch (2/9/2022 9:35:12 PM)

With Matrix there is a queue for updating games. They have over 70 games I think. So whenever mine pops up. Usually by this time it will appear on monday or tuesday next week.

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