craigbear -> Chinese BP saved in Sian becomes Russian (2/1/2022 1:36:56 AM)
I saved a Chinese BP in Sian (communist city) and it became Russian. China cannot use the BP even though it is on map. I think this will happen if a BP is saved in any communist city by the Chinese. Later, I tried moving it when the BP save screen comes up, but I received an error message and could not do so. Additionally (I believe due to this bug), after both allied and axis production is accomplished, the production for China again pops up and I am able to build Chinese units again (so I get two build opportunities). I have gotten around this issue by simply not using the build points and exiting through the save BP screen with resulting destruction of all these extra points (except for the one in Sian which remains in that city). File attached (at Axis impulse start... so some of what I say can only be seen during the end turn phase). However, the ownership of the BP can be determined by hovering over the BP and looking at the unit screen. Final note, this is repeatable... I did it in a previous game with the same results.