Vic -> RE: Scenario Export function (2/4/2022 2:44:51 PM)
First of all this scenario looks really nice. The export function works as intended with your files. However part of the graphics you added and you are using are not in your NORDWIND directories. You need to get all the graphics that YOU added in those NORDWIND directories for the export zipper to include everything. There are about 7 files missing: ardennes/Flags/FRENCH1.png ardennes/OfficersAmerican/Hudelson.png ardennes/OfficersGerman/.. ardennes/DivisionsAmerican/.. How to fix: -Go to the libraries (like officersAmerican) that are loading those graphics added by you to the graphics/ardennes directories. Reload them, but this time from the Nordwind directories. -Reimport those libraries -Export -Test if any graphic is still missing by installing the export .dczip on another clean vanilla install of DC4 and load the scenario. Any missing graphics will be mentioned in popup messages upon loading. Further advice: -You have been adding to existing Davide officers and historical libraries, fair enough but with troop types you created an almost duplicate with a new library name... better to just stick to using an amended Davide trooptype library (or deleting all the doubles in your own) -If you are just amending the default Davide libraries, better to rename their filenames so they do not get overwritten with the originals when installing a patch. As for the stability issues: If you can make any repeatable report of file deleting themselves please tell me which steps to take to repeat the behaviour in question. Or with other weird behaviour. I need really exact steps in order to debug and fix something. I cannot really take action upon the report that 'something is wrong'.. try to be really exact as in: step 1) load scn X , step 2) simple editor , step 3) import library Y, step 4) observe weird behaviour in unit Z. I really want to improve the editor but I need some exact feedback here please. best wishes, Vic