Mass Casualty Incident by AI (Full Version)

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marion61 -> Mass Casualty Incident by AI (2/3/2022 1:19:25 PM)

I wasn't sure where to post this, so I started here. The pic below is ver.19beta, Axis set to 110, Soviet 100, scenario is StB. The Axis had started this push about 4 turns ago even though I was closing the pocket. They had plenty of opportunity to pull back and finally I closed it. I'm not even sure what the AI's objective is. It can cut the rail between Astrakhan and points south, but at the cost of being over 30 hexes from a depot. I'm surprised they made it as far as they did. I've had the corridor down to two hexes for two turns and yet they are still pushing out. Is cutting that rail detrimental to anything? I'd still get supplied by Baku.

The reason I brought this up is because this is the second game in a row this has occurred. The other was with .13 or .15, I can't recall which, and I have no saves from the first game.

If you need a save from this game, let me know and I'll oblige you. The turn in the pictures is T11.


loki100 -> RE: Mass Casualty Incident by AI (2/3/2022 1:22:53 PM)

a save would be handy, and maybe send Joel a PM so he picks up your post


marion61 -> RE: Mass Casualty Incident by AI (2/3/2022 1:23:49 PM)

Do you want a save of this turn or any before it? I also have prelogistic saves.

loki100 -> RE: Mass Casualty Incident by AI (2/3/2022 1:25:53 PM)

I'd guess the best is your last save point before the AI headed off east, that will allow them to work out what logic/triggered routine is was adopting


marion61 -> RE: Mass Casualty Incident by AI (2/3/2022 2:40:50 PM)

Have the size and type of files we can upload changed? I've never had trouble uploading zip files before, but now they aren't even supported except thru PM. The size of the PM is 2000k and winzip cannot get the .sav files below that so can't send them with a PM, although PM's do support zip files and the main forum doesn't.


marion61 -> RE: Mass Casualty Incident by AI (2/3/2022 11:16:20 PM)

I took a pic from the Axis side to see how many divisions were in that huge pocket. It was a lot, and this game is probably over between the losses at Stalingrad, and now this huge amount of divisions lost.


carlkay58 -> RE: Mass Casualty Incident by AI (2/4/2022 9:43:58 AM)

marion61 - each segment of the forum has its own file limitations. The Bug Reports and AAR sections allow zip files while the General Forum does not.

marion61 -> RE: Mass Casualty Incident by AI (2/4/2022 10:30:27 AM)

Then I'm not going crazy ;). Appreciate the info.

marion61 -> RE: Mass Casualty Incident by AI (2/4/2022 10:32:48 AM)

Appreciate the info. I've been on this site for several years and I never knew that. At least now I know I'm not going crazy ;).

Didn't intend the double post.

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