zgrssd -> Streamer version issue with Invasions (2/5/2022 12:11:04 PM)
This happened in Yogdogs Frriday Stream (400/400 consecutive). After 11:30:00 In one corner, a Mortalan invasion force. Weighing in at 180000 Transport Space Units. Rated at 5783 Combat Strenght In the other Corner, a Teekan capital defense Not weighed in quite some time Rated at 3130 according to the galaxy map (that is what those 5 dots mean, right?) The invasion died within days. Because of two reasons: 1. The actuall defense strenght was more like 6054. Apparently the System View does not include the Militia or Bonuses 2. They drip fed in. By the time one transport was even in position to deploy troops, the previous troops had alredy died. This happened across the entire fleet. They never even put up a fight. As a human I could manual that. Making sure the transports are in position before giving the Deploy order. However, the AI has no such ability. It would be utterly stuck trying to capture a heavily defended capitol. Also the invasion order should realy be smarter. My suggestion is: Transports sending in troops should make sure there is a serious part of the fleet in position to deploy before the first soldier is dropped. Something like 50-75% of the entire ground strenght in the fleet or current ground strenght +50%, whichever is less.