Overstacked Territorial Reinforcements bug (Full Version)

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jsetear -> Overstacked Territorial Reinforcements bug (2/5/2022 3:24:48 PM)

A Territorial land reinforcement arrived when the only eligible city already contained two land units. In contrast to my experience with a similar situation with non-Territorial units tied to particular cities already full, no window appeared that said something like, "There is no room for this unit. We will try to place it next turn." Instead, the game would not let me place the unit (because of stacking limits), and would not let me click the button to proceed (because I had not placed all units). Thus, no way to continue.

I am using the Territorial optional rule, obviously. I am not using the off-city reinforcements optional rule.

I was able to work around the problem by going back to the most recent pre-production impulse for the relevant power (Britain, perhaps, but maybe it was Vichy France) and moving one of the already-present units in the city out into the countryside, making room for the future arrival of the Territorial unit. But obviously I had to go back and re-do all the intervening stay-at-sea and production phases.

Centuur -> RE: Overstacked Territorial Reinforcements bug (2/5/2022 4:10:29 PM)

What version are you using? If it is the most recent one, can you post a gamesave here (zip the file and upload it into the forum)?

jsetear -> RE: Overstacked Territorial Reinforcements bug (2/6/2022 2:28:22 AM)

Will do. I think I am using the latest non-beta version. But I will gather all the info and then post here as a zip file. It may take a day or two.

Orm -> RE: Overstacked Territorial Reinforcements bug (2/6/2022 7:55:40 AM)

Did you check if there was a port the TERR could be placed in?

jsetear -> RE: Overstacked Territorial Reinforcements bug (2/6/2022 7:02:32 PM)


Thanks for your suggestion. The territory in question, however, is Italian Somaliland. It has only one town, and only one port, and it is the same place, Mogadishu. So, with a regular unit and a territorial already in Mogadishu, there is nowhere in Italian Somaliland to place the second territorial when it arrives.


jsetear -> RE: Overstacked Territorial Reinforcements bug (2/6/2022 7:29:49 PM)


My game version is 3.0.2. Attached is a game file at the moment just before the second Italian territorial unit arrives in Italian Somaliland when there is already in Mogadishu -- the only port or town in Italian Somaliland -- a regular unit and an earlier-arrived territorial unit. Hope this helps!


Centuur -> RE: Overstacked Territorial Reinforcements bug (2/7/2022 1:06:34 PM)

This is a bug, I'm afraid.

jsetear -> RE: Overstacked Territorial Reinforcements bug (2/12/2022 11:15:59 PM)

Okay, thanks for looking into it. Do I need to do anything to have it put in the queue of bugs to fix, or are you already the person who handles that?

Centuur -> RE: Overstacked Territorial Reinforcements bug (2/13/2022 11:37:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: jsetear

Okay, thanks for looking into it. Do I need to do anything to have it put in the queue of bugs to fix, or are you already the person who handles that?

Steve will read this forum and puts it on the bug list (or fix it immediately if it's a easy one).

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