Shock Cavalry? (Full Version)

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TheJSFFenix -> Shock Cavalry? (2/5/2022 7:55:53 PM)

So, as I alluded to in this thread:

And as Lobster also chipped in, Cavalry in TOAW has pretty strange and unexplained properties...

In the standard TOAW equipment database there are 5 kinds of Cavalry Squads:

- Cavalry Squad (Sabre)
- Cavalry Squad (Lance)
- Cavalry Squad (Heavy)
- Mounted Rifle Squad (Early)
- Mounted Rifle Squad (Late)

Early and Late Mounted Rifles are both basically the same as infantry but with an added recon flag and Fast Horse movement type instead of Slow/Foot, nothing really interesting about them.

It's the other three squads that I have a question about however, and I wonder if anybody could maybe have some answers about it, perhaps someone involved with coding of the game?

Sabres and Lances seem to be a carbon copies of each other in terms of pure stats but exist as two separate pieces of equipment, which I'm assuming is for the purpouses of replacements management or flavor? Heavy Cavalry loses the recon in exchange for 1 more point of Anti-Personnel strength which is logical.

What they all have in common and what I'm curious about however is the "Shock Cavalry" flag. What does it do, exactly? The description of it says simply "Equipment is Shock Cavalry" and that's that. Does it contribute to their attack strength in a similar way that recon does?

Leipzig 1813 briefing states:


Cavalry Rules: Cavalry may not attack (or attempt to RBC) defenders that are in Forest, Urban, Dense Urban, or Fortified terrain. Exception: Cavalry may always attack any defense that contains enemy cavalry, regardless of terrain. Also, cavalry may never voluntarily end its movement in a Fortified terrain hex. It may move through such hexes, though.

Cavalry combat strengths are enhanced due to their charge capability - which could not be used against defenders in such terrain. But I figure if there's enemy cavalry in the defense, it somewhat cancels the attacking cavalry's enhancement with its own.

For those not in the know or those who don't remember- Leipzig is more of a "grand tactical" scale scenario than an operational one, with each hex meant to represent about 480 meters (back when the game had no 250/500/1000 meter scales), and there are actually House Rules for line of sight concerning artillery too (artillery is not allowed to fire across escarpments and ridges or forests in this scenario).

Because of this, I'm assuming that the bit concerning charges being impossible in certain types of terrain is just a flavor-type house rule and isn't actually tied to any game-wide mechanics. However it's the part about the combat strength being enhanced that interests me and led me to assume that the Shock Cavalry flag impacts the unit fighting strength in a way similar to Recon%. Can anybody confirm or explain this to me, how it works? I know Cavalry isn't the most used unit type in most of the scenarios, but I'm just madly curious about it.

cathar1244 -> RE: Shock Cavalry? (2/6/2022 6:13:09 AM)

Pretty sure the combat strengths in the database are what is used.

In this scenario, it is possible the scenario designer changed the values for the cavalry equipment types to model the "charge capability". Thus, the need for the house rules mentioned so that this "bonus" is not available in unrealistic situations, such as in forested terrain.

You could compare the values given to cavalry equipment in the scenario to that of the standard database and see what changes were made.


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