ClaudeJ -> B1147_41 Side Permutation during Cargo ops (2/6/2022 1:36:03 AM)
The issue have been mentioned first by joseph66hole. Here is a test scenario describing the situation. Cargo Test - Side Permutation This is a test scenario designed to showcase what I feel is an issue with cargo operations in CMO : that transported unit having its side reassigned according to its transporter platform's side. Created by Claude J, based on Andrea D.'s Cargo tutorial. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission start : 1300Z Duration : 4 hours Side switching when manually picking up a unit Whenever you feel like it, launch Aldebaran #1 from Trapani airfield (Quick jump #1). With that MV-22, go to Corleone (Quick jump #2, 100°, 38 nm) and pick up a UN observation team, code-named "Don". Fly to Taormina (Quick jump #3, 87°, 94 nm), and there, unload your passengers. Observe that its side is now NATO. Side switching when dropping a unit through a Cargo mission At 1305Z, a mission will be initiated, by the NATO side, to airdrop 10 NATO personnel from Catania airfield. Observe that upon dropping, their side will be NATO. At 1307Z, a mission will be initiated, by the UN side, to airdrop 10 NATO personnel from Catania airfield. Observe that upon dropping, their side will be UN. Note : all personnel is from NATO side, since it have been added to the facility while having that side selected. Expected result : It is my opinion that this behavior should be prevented, as it might mess up scenario mechanism such as triggers and balance. Ideally, the side should be kept as is. A middle ground would be to not be able to transport another side's units.