canuckgamer -> Clarification of Naval Interception (2/6/2022 6:01:16 AM)
I read the rules about naval interception but still have a question. How many interceptions can a sub attempt in a turn. For example, if I moved one naval group and a sub intercepted, would it then be able to attempt a 2nd, 3rd and so when I moved additional naval groups within 5 hexes?
stjeand -> RE: Clarification of Naval Interception (2/6/2022 12:17:03 PM)
It will make infinite according to Al...UP until is finds 2 groups.
After it has successfully found 2 it will stop.
AlvaroSousa -> RE: Clarification of Naval Interception (2/6/2022 4:10:11 PM)
There is always a spot roll. It can only successfully intercept twice.