Exaggerate claim (Full Version)

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klzlueylx -> Exaggerate claim (2/8/2022 1:22:22 PM)

so today I had a performance test on my win11 surface, I played the BTR introductory scenario as Axis.

The gaming runs pretty fluently but it appears the raid report is way too exaggerated.

check the picture below.
this is what I got after the action; though the in-action loss and "aircraft loss" panel shows the correct loss of both sides, which tells the allied loss about 110 B-17.
the estimated enemy loss went even higher than the raid sum! I checked the allied data since this scenario ends immediately, it appears that the allies also over-estimated axis loss (40+ rather than the actual 26).

I didn't notice such obvious mistake in ED, the action report's loss sum basically matches the aircraftloss's.


mark dolby -> RE: Exaggerate claim (2/8/2022 4:55:27 PM)

This always happens and just gives credence to the over claiming by both sides. Check the aircraft losses screen for accurate statistics. Its not a bug and does not impact on individual pilot scores either.

klzlueylx -> RE: Exaggerate claim (2/9/2022 6:40:23 AM)

i understand cases like overclaim happens, but what really confuses me is the ... obvious fault. i can take a overclaim like 50 claims on 30-40 actual or 300cliams on 200+actual; but isn't my screenshot way too crazy??

Check, the raid 2 only got 344 planes but there are 530 claims. doesn't it bother you?

and i tell you, i got 110 planes shot down, while this report claim 901.

Orm -> RE: Exaggerate claim (2/9/2022 3:22:45 PM)

It bothers me. So I do not bother to look at that form for losses.

JeffroK -> RE: Exaggerate claim (2/12/2022 7:26:36 PM)

Its historically accurate, both sides heavily overestimated opposition losses and damage caused.

klzlueylx -> RE: Exaggerate claim (2/14/2022 11:19:33 AM)

does history also claim twice as much as a raid composites and nine times the actual damage as well?
if not you're not reading. i don't think a little bit overclaim being unreal, what i said is about you saying you eaten 10 pies yet i only baked 5, while i took 4 in the refrigerator.

simovitch -> RE: Exaggerate claim (2/14/2022 7:22:33 PM)

Without recon, target damage reports are all over the board. Kill claims are also kind of meaningless since, as stated above, you can look at a group's report or campaign summary and get the actual kills.

mark dolby -> RE: Exaggerate claim (2/15/2022 5:48:16 AM)

The only reason I consult this screen is as the Axis to check the composition of particular raids during the last turn. The number of bombers and fighters listed as participating in the raid is accurate and allows a little look for the Axis player to see how many bombers were involved in flattening that size 10 aluminium plant!
If you know how many sorties you sent against that raid then you can also work out a kill ratio for number of sorties needed for each bomber shot down (verified by the aircraft lost screen). And then remembering which raids were twins and which were 'viermots' you can find out the ratio over those types.

I like statistics!

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