Well Im getting better won a minor victory on Stavelot (Full Version)

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Antmf_slith -> Well Im getting better won a minor victory on Stavelot (2/8/2022 7:05:56 PM)

Wasnt pretty but I did it lol. It's the Americans in the north after I took Cheneux and La Gleize they surrounded me and i was afraid of moving any units out to try and capture other VP's. So I kept them bunkered in there and the Americans couldnt budge me. The South was easier...

Jagger2002 -> RE: Well Im getting better won a minor victory on Stavelot (2/9/2022 3:00:59 AM)

There you go! The key is Cheneux and La Gleize and speed. You may want to check out that forum thread on Stavelot now.

Antmf_slith -> RE: Well Im getting better won a minor victory on Stavelot (2/9/2022 7:32:06 PM)

So let me ask you because I dont see it in that specified thread. HOw do I get supplies to my troops that take over Cheneux and La Gleize. My supply from the east doesnt go that far unless I dont know what Im doing which is probably the case lol...

NM I figured it out I need to take the town a little south Trois Ponts which i did after this playthrough and got 91 still minor but getting closer.

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