JohnWise -> Points based force composition system for Blue side / Red side in CMO scenarios (2/9/2022 7:50:40 PM)
This is a question for CMO Scenario builders, namely have any of you ever thought of setting up a points based system for say a naval wargame where different ships, aircraft and weapons are all given scenario force composition points; depending on their strength weapons available to the forces ship, sub, aircraft & their bombs, missiles, technical ability, range etc, etc. The goal being that both the Red and the Blue forces each field units made up of ( for example ) 3000 points, in order to achieve balance in the wargame but as we all know the Blue side could see more surface waships but less subs while the the Red side could be fielding more subs but less warships and the same variety of composition in warplanes etc, etc but both ( on paper ) being 3000 points each at the start of the scenario thus reinforcing the need for Strategy & Tactics to win the day. Anyway it would be interesting to know if scenario designers have incorporated their own points based system at the start of their scenarios where the two sides ( at least on paper ) are of equal strength and ability.