Screen display issues (Full Version)

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Yakstock -> Screen display issues (2/14/2022 9:42:38 PM)

I am finding that a number of times when I leave the game for a few minutes the screen locks up (image attached). Any suggestions on my settings ? I tried a few different screen resolutions.


berto -> RE: Screen display issues (2/15/2022 12:41:59 AM)

Screen savers and minimizing the game window might mess with the game display. Try to keep the game window open, full screen, and turn off any screen savers.

This might also be a quirk of your graphics card and/or drivers.

I will occasionally see what you show in your screenshot, but only if I have done something quite unusual, like run two instances of the game simultaneously or something. Note: This is on a dev system with three monitors and virtual desktops (thus effectively six screen displays).

I have a laptop here where if the system went to sleep with the game open, the game display would be borked on system reawakening.

OTOH, I have several systems here for auto-testing the game, where the tests will run days on end without any noticeable graphics issues.

Yakstock -> RE: Screen display issues (2/15/2022 2:17:02 PM)

Thanks - I use a laptop so I will try to remove screen saver and make sure the monitor does not go to sleep too quickly. I don't experience this with other games and displays. I am just saving and closing every time I have to multi-task.

carll11 -> RE: Screen display issues (2/15/2022 5:02:27 PM)

Its not a quirk, best to turn your SS off or know how many minutes you have before it kicks in.
If I leave the game for any time past my screen saver start, the graphics will not respond when the screen comes back to life and I log back in past my SS.

Q- what is the 'redraw display' feature for exactly? I thought that was it(?)

Crossroads -> RE: Screen display issues (2/15/2022 7:37:42 PM)

Redraw Display is there for this reason, but it does not help always. I believe the screen saver / power saving settings might indeed be the reason why this happens, once it happens.

berto -> RE: Screen display issues (2/16/2022 2:18:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: carll11

Q- what is the 'redraw display' feature for exactly? I thought that was it(?)

Although they are by now fewer and farther between, occasionally you will observe some graphics glitch or artifact in the map display. Redraw Display (Alt+D) will usually clear any glitch. (Though probably not the one in the OP.)

Yakstock -> RE: Screen display issues (2/16/2022 11:46:37 PM)

Definitely happens with screen saver or if power saver shuts down or laptop is closed. And redraw does not work. Best to just shut down after saving and re-open.

alwaysdime -> RE: Screen display issues (2/17/2022 12:00:18 AM)

This is an old issue from a minimum of the 2.0 patch's for EF, WF and RS. I see this all the time because I tend to play some and then search the web some. Sometimes it takes 6 hours for me to see this and others 20 minutes. Of course when it happens to me its not screen saver or power save mode causing it but just having it minimized or having a browser open on top.

berto -> RE: Screen display issues (2/17/2022 4:26:17 AM)

I think graphics drivers play a big part in this. On all of my systems here, at least a half dozen where I play or playtest the game, I seldom if ever see these issues. I can minimize the game window, recall it, multi-task to a web browser, etc. Only rarely is the game display garbled, or blank, or in some other way FUBARed.

On some systems, screen savers might muck with the game display. Or perhaps the system goes to sleep, and on wake up, the game display is messed up. But on other systems, there is no such misbehavior.

I am typing this response on a Windows 11 laptop. I have never had any of the described difficulties on this here system.

I am not saying that these issues aren't real; they are. Just unusual, and perhaps largely system (OS version, graphics driver, etc.) dependent.

I will see what I might do in future to mitigate these problems.

Jason Petho -> RE: Screen display issues (2/17/2022 5:50:16 AM)

It only happens to me in two cases.

1. When the the machine goes into sleep mode (rarely, usually when I have to leave it on over night.

2. When I launch a program where I have to approve the EXE to run via a pop up, as shown in my latest video when I was showing which MODS I was running.

TomWalton -> RE: Screen display issues (2/19/2022 10:49:29 AM)

I get this... But it's my excuse to always finish the turn ;-) ! OK, also sometimes to finish the entire scenario!

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