RedJohn -> Combat ratio affects CPP loss (2/15/2022 3:30:31 PM)
As per Albert's suggestion in one of the AAR, I think it might be good to post it here for visibility. Right now, CPP is halved for any type of attack, on any type of unit (I believe). Take a regular german ID on turn 1 and it's first attack, whether it's on a fortified zone or the beefiest tank division the soviets have, and it'll lose 50% of it's CPP - or 2 turns worth. The ratio could be literally be 327000:0 and the result is the same, half of the unit's CPP is lost. This makes the soviet strategy obvious - throw hordes of worthless brigades and regiments infront of the enemy to blunt their first CPP attack. It doesn't matter if it's a full panzer division with 250 tanks hitting a 500 men NKVD regiment, either way it's draining half it's CPP. So a good solution is to modify CPP based on the ratio of combat. If the soviets want to send unready men to the front they can, but it will no longer drain the germans CPP rapidly if they do. I don't know the appropriate ratios for it, but the game already uses ratios to determine combat delay. This forces the Soviets to be careful with sending unready/weak units to the front, whereas right now there is literally no reason to avoid sending cavalry to do 15 hex deep raids or hold rivers. Either way it's an attack forced against the unit. The Germans can mitigate it somewhat by breaking down into regiments to minimize CPP loss, but it is stupid that CPP (which I believe represents the units readiness for a fight) is drained less by breaking down a unit into regiments and attacking using one of them before reforming it, rather than the full division attacking. Thoughts?