Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (7/22/2001 8:43:00 PM)
Negativity could be best dealt with by not letting it get painted all over the place.
The forums are to numerous, to varied, and to prone to lacking direction.
The forums appear to lack "leadership". By this I mean the people in charge need to quash posts that serve no purpose.
The forum managers should discourage (or outright trash) posts that belong on some distant MIRC channel, and off Matrix if the participants merely wanting to socialise (its why I use ICQ, its what its for).
Any person that would use the phrases Censorship, Supression of Freedoms, and Prudish limitations, are "using" Matrix for their own amusement, and not for anything supportive of Matrix's efforts.
I have no interest in posting comments not directly supportive of Steel Panthers for a reason.
Currently I am enjoying 6.1. I have followed it since I downloaded 4.1 I believe. I have noticed a few changes, but not much (I tend to play a game and enjoy it, rather than quibble over why my tank blew up, or why I cant seem to kill that enemy infantry position.
Single biggest thrill I have had since seen in getting later versions of SP, from playing the actual original Steel Panthers, is the ease of playing it on my computer period. I remember requiring the aid of my computer guru to get a DOS game to run without hassle on my then modern computer.
I have followed numerous comment posts on the Forum for Steel Panthers specifically, and have found numerous ones informative and helpful.
Alas Matrix, in its unusual generosity, has let their site, WHICH IS A PRIVILEDGE AND NOT ANY ONE PERSONS RIGHT REGARDLESS OF ANY GOVERNMENTS ILL WORDED PAPERWORK, become a sea of posts that can become silly, offensive, and in no way supportive of Matrix's efforts.
In a lighter vein, some posts would be better served in a forum designed to come to the immediate aid of someone tasked with providing just that, aid.
I have seen a lot of techy commentary that could be best served on a forum that was specifically intended to be the ONE place techy comments were to be sent. This would include bug reports, negative commentary on design (which is a matter of negative input, but potentially valid).
I think that the posts sometimes over specialise. If each games techy comments were sent to each games specific forum, with the understanding that only techy comments were welcome, it would improve things.
If the General Forum was open to all games, with the specific provision that bug reports, and service complaints were not invited, it would make a great spot for newcomers to see the many games Matrix has to offer in a better light.
In a lot of cases I have seen many posts, that lacked any real direction. Some were mere fawning, some were obvious posts designed to garner nothing but attention. This really should be discouraged in soooooome way.
I deeeeefinitely advocate dispensing with any posting location that does absolutely NOTHING for Matrix (any who know me, will realise I have no desire to see "Art of Wargaming" remain on Matrix forums. It detracts from Matrix, and to be honest has tarnished my feelings towards the Matrix forums as a whole.
To me Matrix is Wargamming. In my case mostly Steel Panthers. But I would like to see more of the other games without having to wade through all their own techy baggage.
We need to address the techy baggage, but it pollutes dilutes and generally detracts from sponsoring new player interest. I havent been on any other games forums. They are to much and to unfocused. I tried Art of Wargaming, and as I see it, came away disgusted.
I hope this boring as hell dialogue is of use to Matrix. Anyone reading it better understand, no one likes Matrix or Steel Panthers "more" than me, maybe as much, but not more.
But Matrix needs to put a clamp down on non supportive, wasteful and potentially poorly located posts.
Its not about Guidelines, its about superior command and control at the helm.