Bavre -> RE: Does anyone upgrade existing HQs to better generals? (2/17/2022 9:06:27 PM)
HQ rating and XP have a big influence on your units readiness and therefore performance, so upgrading your guys is something I'd definitely recommend (eventually). 2 technical aspects: XP is tied to the HQ unit, not the General. So you can for example use the low end HQs of Germany for Poland/France/early Barbarossa and only upgrade to Manstein and Kesselring shortly before the difficult fights start. The XP will be transfered. The cost of upgrading depends solely on the rating of the new guy, not the difference between old and new. And of course this has (like almost everything in the game) the usual snowball effect. Better HQ -> better combat results -> more XP for units and HQ -> better combat results.... The only reason I hold off upgrading HQs in the WW2 games is that the early phases are so onesided, Manstein in Poland is just overkill imho. In the WW1 game where the early game fighting is somewhat less lopsided and has a big influence on the further course of the match, I usually upgrade my HQs BEFORE I do any research!