High Priority Targets (Full Version)

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AdmiralSteve -> High Priority Targets (2/17/2022 11:37:22 PM)

I'm looking to put into a scenario some high priority targets that if destroyed would the degrade the sides ability to perform certain functions, i.e. communicate with other elements of the side. Creating targets isn't the problem for me but coming up with ideas that would limit a sides ability to wage war, and of course fall within the capabilities of CMO.

Any suggestions?



thewood1 -> RE: High Priority Targets (2/18/2022 12:17:11 AM)

I've played around with this concept quite a bit. I used the limiting comms function through a lua call on an event that destroys a comms center. I also created separate but allied sides so I could knock out comms on certain types of units or only certain organizations.

You can take this to very detailed levels, depending how much work you want to put into it.

SeaQueen -> RE: High Priority Targets (2/18/2022 12:32:51 AM)

I wrote some LUA code that allows you to build a hierarchical IADS, with various echelons of command posts and radars. The code makes SAM sites more survivable, but at the same time facilitates the possibility of "clipping the kill chain" in various places by striking command posts you identify (how do you know which one is the right one? ;-) ). I've found that it makes SEAD/DEAD a lot more interesting and rewarding, because it's no longer about just attacking the missile sites. It's now about attacking the network and its constituents.

For example, if you have a strike that needs to flow through a sector, you might choose to strike that sector operations center in the hope of crippling that area, or at least forcing the missile sites to reveal themselves for follow on strikes or avoidance purposes. Using the LUA code I wrote, you can do all that, provided you have a vision for the IADS architecture to depict in the game, and an assumption about how the computer controlled side might respond to a strike on a command post. The Iraqis, for example, might have just shut down and given up, or maybe only a fraction of them would have chosen to continue the fight and operate autonomously. How many even were trained to operate independently? A more advanced military might just reconnect to another command post and continue the fight with minimal interruption.

There's lots of things to play with in the code. I'm still messing with it. I've found that it adds a lot of nuance to the game.

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