Pirate respawn questions (Full Version)

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Asvan -> Pirate respawn questions (2/20/2022 8:13:40 AM)

What are the conditions for pirates to respawn?

I've read somewhere that they respawn on places outside of scanner range (though some people claim that is not the case), does that mean that if a small galaxy gets crowded enough they will actually stop spaming? or the only way for them to stop respawning is to select the option at the galaxy creation?

zgrssd -> RE: Pirate respawn questions (2/20/2022 1:30:00 PM)

It is generally a good bet to asume that any mechanic works like in DW1, unless you got explicit information otherwise.
And that any contradicting behavior might be a bug or missunderstanding.

The intention in DW1 seems to have it be definitely possible to clear pirate completely form one area of the map.
The exception being event spawned ones.

However note that it is now much cheaper to pay yoff pirates (was 125/month for every faction in the Streamer version), you acceptably easily get a Non Agression Pact for no Payments, their bases can be defeated with a basic Railgun/PD setup, and destroying their only base has all remainign ships join you.

SirHoraceHarkness -> RE: Pirate respawn questions (2/20/2022 8:38:30 PM)

I always paid the pirates protection as soon as I meet them and then build up a good standing and send them to attack my enemies. They are easy enough to clean up late game once their usefulness has ended.

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