WarPlan Scenarios 1.00.16 (Full Version)

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AlvaroSousa -> WarPlan Scenarios 1.00.16 (2/22/2022 5:32:47 PM)

WPE Scenarios

download and paste to the MyGames/WarPlan/Campaigns directory.

This has the 1939 scenario fix for the A.I. moving around blowing the new Middle East garrison rule.
Also the North African 1941 Campaign had some terrain issues someone found so I fixed those as well.

I will keep any fixes for scenarios here

AlvaroSousa -> RE: WarPlan Scenarios 1.00.16 (2/22/2022 6:26:36 PM)

I have reuploaded them. I made all units reinforce + update at start of scenarios.

canuckgamer -> RE: WarPlan Scenarios 1.00.16 (2/22/2022 9:47:09 PM)

We are playing the 1939 campaign PBEM and we are at the beginning of August 1942. If we install the scenario files in your download, will that screw up our game. Is this going to be added as a hotfix similar to the issue with WPP scenarios?

AlvaroSousa -> RE: WarPlan Scenarios 1.00.16 (2/22/2022 11:39:29 PM)

Nope your save game has all the data.

CHINCHIN -> RE: WarPlan Scenarios 1.00.16 (2/23/2022 4:32:49 AM)

How can I update these changes in my mod without redoing the whole thing?

AlvaroSousa -> RE: WarPlan Scenarios 1.00.16 (2/23/2022 12:53:01 PM)

Well you made your mod before 1.00.16 right?

So you have to change the map orders and copy paste the associated scripts.

This is the only one you need to add for the Egypt garrison
#### under _changeOrder.txt

//UK removes garrisons in Egypt once Italy enters the war

###under events.txt

//Egypt left ungarrisoned if attacked by Allies - Italy +200 Axis
//if the UK has less than 6 units in Egypt, Palestine, and Jordan Italy can declare war
text=Italy enters on the Axis side as the UK leaves the Middle East under garrisoned

### map modifications
Swap unit locations of 191,10 with 194,11

A.I. strat -> Input Allies Orders
change 194,11 to GarHQ order
change 198,13 to GarS order

File/Quit -> Load All Scripts -> save under the scenario name.

CHINCHIN -> RE: WarPlan Scenarios 1.00.16 (2/23/2022 1:49:18 PM)

No, I did it with patch 1.00.16, my mod is from the 1939 scenario. But not with the scenarios you put in the first post of this thread. So just replace the _changeOrder.txt file?

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