Motorized Infantry Manpower (Full Version)

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mroyer -> Motorized Infantry Manpower (2/23/2022 1:49:01 AM)

Is this correct? The manpower for a motorized infantry brigade is double that of an unmotorized?
Drivers, motor-pool, mechanics?

-Mark R.


pbi298 -> RE: Motorized Infantry Manpower (2/23/2022 2:00:52 AM)

Those 550 trucks need people to drive them, support them, etc.

mroyer -> RE: Motorized Infantry Manpower (2/23/2022 2:16:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: pbi298

Those 550 trucks need people to drive them, support them, etc.

I'm just surprised it's double. And more surprised I hadn't noticed it before....

I think in WW2 that didn't hold up - the effort of maintaining horses and wagons vs vehicles, if I recall correctly, caused standard divisions to be slightly larger in manpower than motorized divisions.

-Mark R.

zgrssd -> RE: Motorized Infantry Manpower (2/23/2022 2:43:03 AM)

Yes and No.

Yes, those 55 Truck Subunits need drivers. And you need 55 trucks for 55 Infantry Subunits.
100 is the smalest denominator recruits come in, so every subunit uses either 100 or 0 of it.

However the resulting doubling of manpower need did not work so well. So Vic added a rule that while you need that many to raise it, a lot of those (3/5 IIRC) are returned after raising them. The units also eat proportionally less food.
Buggies have a similar deal, with a reduced manpower demand.

mroyer -> RE: Motorized Infantry Manpower (2/23/2022 10:35:36 AM)

I see. When did this creep into the game. Now that you mention it, I did see a "soldiers returned to SHQ" message earlier in this scenario related to buggies.

-Mark R.

zgrssd -> RE: Motorized Infantry Manpower (2/23/2022 1:05:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: mroyer

I see. When did this creep into the game. Now that you mention it, I did see a "soldiers returned to SHQ" message earlier in this scenario related to buggies.

-Mark R.

"-Manpower Rebate rule. Trucks / APCs and Recon Buggies return some manpower back to SHQ after their deployment from the factory (returning mechanics, logistics and factory teams). Defacto thus Trucks use only 20% of stated manpower, APCs and Recon Buggies 33%. (this rule also results in less manpower returned on disband and food consumption) (Militia does not profit from this rule as they are rather inefficient) "

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