PBEM Scenario - PBEM Set A03 - Battle of the Plains (Full Version)

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Jason Petho -> PBEM Scenario - PBEM Set A03 - Battle of the Plains (2/23/2022 6:44:33 AM)

Jason Petho
31 December, 1967

[Mamut, Cambodia]: [H2H] [FIC] [CSL]:

In late 1967, the US Army was about to cross the border into Cambodia to secure the border areas against Chinese incursions from the operating bases in Cambodia. Getting wind of the American maneuvers close to the border, the Chinese sent mechanized forces to patrol the border area. [ALL] [CSEE, Variable Objectives] [THIS IS AN ALTERNATE HISTORY SCENARIO MEANT FOR PLAY BY EMAIL OR HEAD TO HEAD PLAYING ONLY] [1.00]

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