akulas -> surface engagement (9/21/2003 2:29:29 PM)
so why does/did my allied surface tf(s) not engage...sat in the same hex with the enemy (retire/no retire, react/no react)...the only way i got them to even get a shot off was to bombard! did it several turns...day and night...in the open, non-shallow ocean...ijn tf spotted...all that jazz. (why, one wonders did the ai continue to stay in the same hex even?) not that it matters, but if i don't see that this was my error, then i'll be dumping this game pronto. i regret even spending time on it, just hoping that it would get better with the patches...not buying another either. patch 2.3, btw. found a few very odd things, read BUGS, regarding i would suppose array programming goofs...can live with those, but this was just plain way to silly for me to stomach. [hey i thought that it was like the old "war in the pacific" board game...i mean, hexes and all...very, very disappointed overall after playing for about a week.] not a rant, just hoping that it was my fault before this game gets recycled.