AmmoSgt -> (10/3/2003 4:28:02 AM)
Vathailos here is my position on bazookas with hard data straight from US goverment specs and links so you can read for yourself , along with calcualtions and what they are based on Yes I am frustrated , comments like yours , about how you "feel" that bazookas are overrated because they do what they are designed to do , in the way they are designed to do them, trump hard data , as in the above thread, everytime. I like how you specify a "SS crewed Panther " as if that should affect the Pen or accuracy on a Bazooka . I agree on the part of different sources list slightly different penetration factors for the same weapon , but i do not know of a single source anywhere that rates a German 37mm Gun on a PzIIIe at a higher pen than the 37mm on a PZKpfw 38t (e) like it is now in the game ( back in versions prior to 7.0 maybe 6.1 the Pz38 had the better gun , and in all of the tables I can find they indicate a better pen for the Czech gun) . , and while we can differ on the Pen on a T-34, not only should they be the same Pen wether in German or Russian Service , the Russian had a BR354P AP Subcaliber round that is not inculded in the game which would be the Russian Equivalent to the APCR category ammo with about a 30 % increase in pen over the standard AP category round , just about like the German get with thier APCR that is Inculded in the game . The existence of Russian APCR is not in dispute, it's just not in the game .. These are fact , you don't like my tone , then don't read facts for emotional content . It's not my tone that bothers folks , it is my facts that nobody yet has even attempted to refute with other facts , they just say they don't like my tone or my attitude ..OK, don't like it, I don't care ..if you differ with my facts dispute the facts . attitude or not, the facts are the facts , it ain't about how you "feel" the pen should be or the accuracy should be , it is how the facts, specs, detail, tests ,trials, say they should be . And the German Gear has been inflated and other nations dumbed down in way to many ways for it to be a simple misunderstanding .. the list grows every time somebody doesn't like my tone and has no facts to say I am wrong .. the mistakes are in the game , they have gotten worse as the versions have progressed , they have gotten worse in specific directions for the Germans and in the other Direction for other nations. Common standard within the game mechanics, that the Germans get, like APCR, are denied other nations. WP for the US is totally doable Main ammo for the US 4.2 Mortar .. but can't do flame indirect fire weapons for the US ( to hard to code ) ( it isn't a code problem actually you make a 4.2 Mortar unit that has the same HE Kill and warhead size as a 4.2 HE and you make it a Flame weapon instead of a Hevay mortar on the OOB editor , it's that simple ) but that is only for the germans , only for the Germans , however the German Wulfraum (which is the indirect fire flame weapon in questions) wasn't indirect fire equiped but it gets it anyway while actual indirect fire units like the M8 Scott don't, and actual indirect fire flame weapons like the US 4.2 Mortar which was a WP using weapon can't .. they list grows . Germans get it even if they didn't have it , other nations can't get the same thing even when they did have it .. Guns pentrate better when Germans have them .. not just one, almost every German captured weapon in the game The 37mm on the PzKpfw 38t goes up from 46 in czech service to 56 in German service whats the deal with that ? the 47mm goes up, the T-34 M43 Gun goes up and doesn't get it's APCR in Russian service. German Mortars with 2/3 the range of US Mortars get US range and German 80mm mortar shells with Half the weight of explosive get a higher HE killfactor . US HE Mortar ammo came in a couple of types for the 81mm Mortar the US gets a combo shell with the lightest HE combined with the shortest range and then the German mortar gets inflated to meet the US specs , it happen again and again and again .. I have been pointing this out for 3 years and backing it time after time with facts .. no facts are posted to refute any of it and the Inflation of the Germans contiunes unabated .