Pawlock -> (10/7/2003 4:44:42 PM)
[QUOTE=Finrod]As I am fairly new to Korsun Pocket I have a question for the combat results.
As I understand this, some units provide a "shock value" which (if not countered by terrain or defender) result in a +1 (or +X) for the combat results which is shown on the dice.
I thought, that this is a bonus (an not a shift) which is added to my dice roll (so if I roll a "1" and have a +1 bonus the result is "2")?
Alas, I had a few situations, where I had a +1 shown on my dice but the final result of the combatroll was only a "1".
Clearly this would not have been possible if the +1 would have been added to the dice roll. So my question is: What does the +1 (+X) on the dice do?
Thanks for the help,
What you see in the crt at the bottom of screen for combat are only the six applicable results, by this I mean you in your case are seeing the results from 2- 7 of the main crt. If you had no shifts for shock, you would have viewed the 1-6 possible results. You may have rolled a 1 but if you crosscheck with the CRT page you will have noticed you had the 2nd from top result.