norsemanjs -> (10/11/2003 10:49:12 PM)
From Siegfried & Breyer's "Battleships and Battlecruisers 1905-1950" translated to English 1973 published by Doubleday "After 2nd conversion, including Hiei: four Kanpon turbines driving 4 props/ Haruna 11 and the others 8 Kanpon boilers (oil) / output 136,000 shp; speed 30.3 to 30.5 (hiei 29.7) knots/ one rudder. Trial run results: up to 136,800 shp (30.29 knots). Hiei 137,970 shp (29.9 knots). The total wight of the propulsion plant was reduced from 4750 tons to 3943 tons during the first conversion and 2929 tons during the second converson." Not sure why there is a difference in the Hiei. But it looks like the work and equipment was of Japanese origin. The Kongo and about 30% of Hiei were originally foreign equipment. Otherwise they were from Japan.