What exactly do the infantry weapons stats mean? (Full Version)

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lithium01 -> What exactly do the infantry weapons stats mean? (7/31/2001 12:58:00 PM)

My vague recollections from old sources - ACC - effective accuracy (I believe range) of the weapon Kill - How good it kills infantry Pen/Heat - armor penetration Range - Doh! Looking at my German Special Ops I see: Weapon ACC KILL Range MP39/40 SMG 3 4 4 M42 LMG 7 10 18 One would think why even bother shooting the SMG. Yet, the SMG rains death to anything not in cover and the M42 is so ineffective I do not even bother firing at anything over 4 hexes away. As everybody here has chased down thousands of crewman, I am sure this same question popped up at some point...why doess the first weapon (typically a rifle) with *very* inferior statistics (assuming of course my recollections are on target) do most of the killing? There is no way those numbers mean what I think they mean. What do they stand for?

Possum -> (7/31/2001 1:29:00 PM)

Hello Lithium01. Are you takeing into consideration, that in a (for example) 10 man squad; That the SMG will be fired 10 times, while the LMG will be only fired once? Remember that an SMG is a personal weapon, and so every squad member is assumed to have one, while the LMG is a support weapon, and so the squad is assumed to only possess one of them. BTY my experience with SMG & LMG armed squads is that beyond 150 meters, the LMG does the bulk of the killing, as the SMG's are not effective beyond this range.

panda124c -> (7/31/2001 11:12:00 PM)


Originally posted by lithium01: My vague recollections from old sources - ACC - effective accuracy (I believe range) of the weapon Kill - How good it kills infantry Pen/Heat - armor penetration Range - Doh! Looking at my German Special Ops I see: Weapon ACC KILL Range MP39/40 SMG 3 4 4 M42 LMG 7 10 18 One would think why even bother shooting the SMG. Yet, the SMG rains death to anything not in cover and the M42 is so ineffective I do not even bother firing at anything over 4 hexes away. As everybody here has chased down thousands of crewman, I am sure this same question popped up at some point...why doess the first weapon (typically a rifle) with *very* inferior statistics (assuming of course my recollections are on target) do most of the killing? There is no way those numbers mean what I think they mean. What do they stand for?
If my memory serves me correctly the ACC is the range at which there is a 50% chance of achieving a result (suppression or kill). This is for a 70 experince. Kill is the HE effect.

lithium01 -> (8/1/2001 12:12:00 AM)

Possum - I guess not. I am guessing the support weapons are hardwired as I was messing around with the OBBs and making the LMG the primary weapon and still had the same results. Thanks for the info.

Belisarius -> (8/1/2001 1:53:00 AM)


Originally posted by lithium01: Possum - I guess not. I am guessing the support weapons are hardwired as I was messing around with the OBBs and making the LMG the primary weapon and still had the same results. Thanks for the info.
What?! You mean the game won't let us create GE squads equipped with 10 MG42's each?? :rolleyes: :D :D

Kluckenbill -> (8/1/2001 2:11:00 AM)


edited - Originally posted by lithium01: Yet, the SMG rains death to anything not in cover and the M42 is so ineffective I do not even bother firing at anything over 4 hexes away.
Are you playing 6.1? I'm having excellent results with machine guns (mostly MG34's) against troops in the open out to about 8 hexes. All small arms are pretty useless (as they should be) against dug in troops.

lithium01 -> (8/2/2001 10:53:00 AM)

Belisarius - lol. Kluckenbill - The "team" MGs DO kill a lot. The LMGs the squads carry I find do not do nearly the same damage to troops in the open than the primary infantry weapon. Since the squad is only carry one, this makes sense. The SMGs will typically wipe out 6 or 7 men if they surprise a squad from 1 hex in the open. Of course, against dug in infantry they are only good for suppression.

kao16 -> (8/3/2001 8:03:00 AM)


Originally posted by lithium01: Possum - I guess not. I am guessing the support weapons are hardwired as I was messing around with the OBBs and making the LMG the primary weapon and still had the same results. Thanks for the info.
The problem here is that the LMG is not rated as an individual weapon, so even if it is placed in slot one the squad only has the one. If you create a new weapon (copy and paste) and change the weapon type from (??) to (?individual...) then you can have a 10 man squad each with their own LMGs. I did this with BARs to try out a unit fuly equipped with "assualt rifles". Teh fire power compared to a normal US squad is....

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