Karnaaj -> (10/20/2003 1:21:36 PM)
Yup, the historical ones would be nice to find online.(Note: get the current/recent manuals from the actual military websites; you *can* find 'em on KaZaa or whatever, but they tend to be bloated up with"white Power" guerilla manuals added. If I had a scanner [and people wouldn't have kittens about it] I'd scan up my WWII Fleet Marine manual on sabotage.Neat stuff, but dated, and assumes you're part of a Raider force and have access to 40-pound pack full of TNT blocks, so...]) Hmm. Kinda suprised the older manuals *aren't* available in electronic form... at least, as far as I've seen. Some sites have a ton of tech manuals for radios and trucks available. Mebbe I should check the re-enactor sites... (later) *mutter*grumble*mutter* Jeez, there's a helluva lot ofpeople sucking down the current manuals and selling 'em on CD. There's also some absatively cool things, like WWII training movies (US and German) on CD. (Two German sniper training movies for $15? Hmmm. Six or seven US Army CDs? $15 each so I'll not own 'em just yet...) Goodies are there, but not free and not the easiet to find. (URLs will be added to this post or a followup later - I'm supposed to be up for work in the morning. ) Anyway, here's some Scouting and Patrolling scans from a period manual: http://www.hardscrabblefarm.com/ww2/basic_scouting.htm The homepage has more stuff listed: http://www.hardscrabblefarm.com/ww2/index.htm But I'm still looking... what can I say, I'm a docco freak. (and again a few minutes later) Gee, guess I shouldn't have stayed up 30 hours playing The Specialists. Here's their link to "FM 31-50 - Attack on a Fortified Position and Combat in Towns, 31 Jan 1944 - Part 2": http://www.hardscrabblefarm.com/ww2/fm3150.htm Excuse me whilst I drool: their links section has web-printable paperwork and a *repro rubber stamp* dealer! Me go sleep now. And dream of a day when I can afford to buy all this stuff...