Kharan -> (10/24/2003 3:07:45 AM)
Game 8 starts as soon as 3 more players join it. By the way, to start playing, you need to join to a game after registering. Join to a new game from the "server"-menu and select your preferred nations. The server will send out emails when the game is beginning. It's possible to join and play in more than one game simultaneously. Personally I'm playing Spain in WF5, the first "real" game after beta testing was completed. It's been 5 months after England landed in Normandy and my armies crossed the Pyrenees. I landed some 15 000 at La Rochelle and succesfully combined the bridgeheads. England and I are about to take Paris, our combined troops numbering about 70 000 men against a pitiful 30 000. There are some French armies returning from the Netherlands, but they shouldn't pose much of a problem. Saxony, France's ally, hasn't interfered yet. England already declared war on Saxony, but I'll have to consider the options after France is conquered. I'll probably build another fleet in the Mediterranean (Spain has cheaper ships than other nations). My incomes are already greater than any other nation's (thanks to my recently acquired provinces in Portugal), but in strategic sense it wouldn't be sensible to cross too far into Central Europe yet. Too many potential enemies, erm, neighbours :).