KG Erwin -> (10/29/2003 7:12:34 AM)
Having been an 8.0 contributor and member of the MCSE team, I've been able to play with the new OOBs for a while. However, things were being tweaked up until the final submission to Matrix. There will be a comprehensive read me file attached to the 8.0 OOBs, but I'm not allowed to tell you more. There will be the inevitable nitpicking and grumbling, but this will be the final "official" OOB release for SPWaW by Matrix. Please note that these are fitted to the limitations of the game engine, so they are not 100% accurate with historical TOEs/OOBs for any given nation. My main concern was with the USMC, and I'm very happy with the revisions. I've conducted a few long campaigns with the revised USMC/Japanese OOBs, and the player will be given the opportunity to construct very realistic core forces and upgrade in accordance with historical reality. I can speak more on the specifics after the public release, which will be within the next few weeks. Bear with us--it will be worth the wait.