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Wild Bill -> What Would You Like? (5/22/2000 1:01:00 AM)

Suppose another tactical wargame on the scale of Steel Panthers, single tanks-vehicles, squads, teams, and single artillery units were going to come out in a year or so. Tell me what you would like included. Please try to say each thing in one sentence. You can mention as many as you think important. Just keep them short. Some points are given, better AI, better graphics...etc. But in particular, such as, I'd like to control the type of ammo my tank uses. I would like some form of close combat or melee between units if and when they get into the same hex. I want dismounting cavalry, skiers, motorcycle troops, etc. etc. Those are the kinds of things I would like to hear(read). It can be about units, editor, just be specific. I'll be taking notes just in case it should ever happen. (G)...Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

Antonescu -> (5/22/2000 2:47:00 AM)

Dismounting cavalry, motorcycle troops, etc. Ability to choose ammo type when firing. Abyssianians and Partisan graphics (especially Yugoslav, and for Spanish Civil War). Ability to pick the size of my maps by the number of hexes ( x by y) instead of three sizes. Graphics for colonial type infantry/cavalry.

Spunkgibbon -> (5/22/2000 3:56:00 AM)

Better AI and pathfinding (so vehicles don't crash into buildings on their way to somewhere else). A better random map generator for campaign and individual battles would be good. The ability to place victory hexes when designing non-scenario maps. Infantry assaults on non-vehicle units. Different infantry movement modes to allow stealthy approach to targets.

Paul Vebber -> (5/22/2000 4:13:00 AM)

Just a note on "stealthy movement" if you move only one hex at a time you will find you are much less likely to be detected than if you go faster. Especially if you are not in the "front" of an enemy unit...

kfbaker -> (5/22/2000 5:02:00 AM)

Simlair game, but smaller scale, namely squad leader scale. But plays and feels like steal panther, so you still have campaign modes with careers. Along with major ww2 campaign it would be nice to see shorter ones cover major battle like the Bridge to far, of ardennes etc. The time scale would be shorter say 1 turn = 1 min.

Alby -> (5/22/2000 5:50:00 AM)


Originally posted by Wild Bill: Suppose another tactical wargame on the scale of Steel Panthers, single tanks-vehicles, squads, teams, and single artillery units were going to come out in a year or so. Tell me what you would like included. Please try to say each thing in one sentence. You can mention as many as you think important. Just keep them short. Some points are given, better AI, better graphics...etc. But in particular, such as, I'd like to control the type of ammo my tank uses. I would like some form of close combat or melee between units if and when they get into the same hex. I want dismounting cavalry, skiers, motorcycle troops, etc. etc. Those are the kinds of things I would like to hear(read). It can be about units, editor, just be specific. I'll be taking notes just in case it should ever happen. (G)...Wild Bill
hmmm now thats a tuffy...I think hex yardage somewhere between sp3 and spwaw, still trying to get used to infrantry shooting at me from halfway across the map(too used to sp3 i think) How about being able to capture enemy armor and / or crew served weapons and turning them on the enemy?? as they used to say in the civil war..."turn the cannon!!"

JimY -> (5/22/2000 7:33:00 AM)

I would like to see SPWAW or SPWW2 expanded to include modern units like in SP2.

Wild Bill -> (5/22/2000 9:48:00 AM)

Gentlemen! I have read all of these and made the appropriate notes. You may not see all of these in the current SPWAW. But remember, Matrix is a Gaming Company. We are going to make games, with Michael Wood, Gary Grigsby, Tom Proudfoot, Frank Hunter as programmers and with the best beta test team in the world, there could be better things ahead. You will see some of these changes in an upcoming SPWAW patch however, so just hang on...Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

troopie -> (5/22/2000 11:02:00 AM)

The ability to buy any units for any type of scenario. E.g, to get landing craft for other than assault missions. To get Armies and Airforces for all nations involved in WW2, Ethiopia, Thailand, Denmark, Brasil, Union of South Africa. And for potential combattants like Sweden, Turkey and Switzerland. troopie

silverleaf1 -> (5/22/2000 11:29:00 AM)

Wild Bill, 1. Some equipment such as the Tiger II was not readily available all the time or was made in limited quantities or both. It would be nice if refits took this into account. 2. More variation in the force size of the opposition. The game is too tied to points. For example when facing an assault maybe the point differential is 3 to 1 or 4 to 1 or more. Your performance would be gauged against what could be expected. Being able to gauge when to retreat would then be very important. Not all battles should be winnable. 3. I would like to see an AI that would learn from how you play. In real life opposing commanders were studied for this very information. 4. Mines should not always be available in unlimited quantities OR make a counterattack take place on the same map with the mines already in place as after the last battle where the previously attacking player would become the defender. 5. If a player is doing very well some of the artillery support or air support could be called away to other sectors that have become threatened. 6. Just as in refits rare unit types may or may not be available to provide support. 7. Sometimes it may be that in a refit you may not have enough (mainly of the rarer ammunition types) to refit all units to full loadouts. 8. In a campaign of many battles units should have to be rested every so often or get progressively worse morale. No unit should be able to fight in battle after battle without a rest. Scott silverleaf1@yahoo.com

Originally posted by Wild Bill: Suppose another tactical wargame on the scale of Steel Panthers, single tanks-vehicles, squads, teams, and single artillery units were going to come out in a year or so. Tell me what you would like included. Please try to say each thing in one sentence. You can mention as many as you think important. Just keep them short. Some points are given, better AI, better graphics...etc. But in particular, such as, I'd like to control the type of ammo my tank uses. I would like some form of close combat or melee between units if and when they get into the same hex. I want dismounting cavalry, skiers, motorcycle troops, etc. etc. Those are the kinds of things I would like to hear(read). It can be about units, editor, just be specific. I'll be taking notes just in case it should ever happen. (G)...Wild Bill

Pack Rat -> (5/22/2000 11:44:00 AM)

Some classic armour moves for the AI. More control of off board arty. Better opp fire routine for the AI. Maybe the ability to cut off supplies. Thanks for asking Bill [img]http://www.matrixgames.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] ------------------ Good hunting, Pack Rat [This message has been edited by Pack Rat (edited 05-22-2000).]

Six-pk -> (5/22/2000 11:56:00 AM)

Having scenarios with captured equipment [img]http://www.matrixgames.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] ------------------ Six-pk

Wild Bill -> (5/22/2000 11:59:00 AM)

You are welcome, Pack Rat. These are all very good and I am keeping notes as we go. No promises, but voices will be heard and we'll do what we can. I'm not reneging, just listening to what our ideal game might include and then seeing what we can do. WB ------------------ Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

jones -> (5/22/2000 4:23:00 PM)

Long campaign generator that allows you to plug in user-created campaigns (even scenarios maybe?). Improved scenario generator for better long campaign battles. Scenario editor with better support for "area" or "force" scripting, which can then be populated with units based on points and still result in the AI fighting a coherent battle. PBEM support for >2 players (sounds hokey I know, but allows for individual unit commanders on the same side). -d

Glen Felzien -> (5/22/2000 5:08:00 PM)

Thanks for asking Bill:-) I like making maps. The new changes are great and very much appreciated. Now how about grave yards, different bridge types for different size rivers; pontoon bridges; multi level buildings with a roof top option for snipers and scouts; churches/cathedrals; reduction in smoke generation or base it on the nature of the combustable material. Glen Felzien

ruxius -> (5/22/2000 5:19:00 PM)

Hi great Bill and Paul, here is 'old mate'Frank who is yahoo-ing for 32% of SPWAW downloading... Well I am sure you have just noted what I suggested to you in the past and you replied some 90% will be satisfied from SPWAW...so I can only add some feature only from science fiction such as : Two levels of SP : one regarding SPWAW as all we know it and a second one "in additional" up to local area battle-fight which is more tactical : a second map recreating historical battles where SPWAW takes place only as a way to resolve battles... E.x. NorthAfrica..a map with cities and water and fuel depots, roads airports..you choose groups of core units..you move them in the great map..when they have to fought you translate them into SPWAW squad level battles...this way should be played a 'Campaign' ! This I will try when I will become a good programmer... Excellent work by you till now..! I happily found here a great mass of people honouring your work ! This is due to your large attention to us ..THANK YOU BOYS ! Keep a good work !

ruxius -> (5/22/2000 5:21:00 PM)

Hi great Bill and Paul, here is 'old mate'Frank who is yahoo-ing for 32% of SPWAW downloading... Well I am sure you have just noted what I suggested to you in the past and you replied some 90% will be satisfied from SPWAW...so I can only add some feature only from science fiction such as : Two levels of SP : one regarding SPWAW as all we know it and a second one "in additional" up to local area battle-fight which is more tactical : a second map recreating historical battles where SPWAW takes place only as a way to resolve battles... E.x. NorthAfrica..a map with cities and water and fuel depots, roads airports..you choose groups of core units..you move them in the great map..when they have to fought you translate them into SPWAW squad level battles...this way should be played a 'Campaign' ! This I will try when I will become a good programmer... Excellent work by you till now..! I happily found here a great mass of people honouring your work ! This is due to your large attention to us ..THANK YOU BOYS ! Keep a good work !

Corkman -> (5/22/2000 5:35:00 PM)

I would like capture abdomed tracks and others vehicles. I would like to hide and stay hidden even enamy is near or same hex. (Mayby only special forces or partisan?)

chlanda -> (5/22/2000 5:58:00 PM)

A large popup stategic map that I could actually see and select units from. (Being able to get an indication of moves/ammo left for the unit would also be nice.) ------------------ freds.webprovider.com

grockall -> (5/22/2000 6:33:00 PM)

The "big" feature I would like in a future game is point to point movement doing away with the hex grid. Also "jones" mentioned plugging in scenarios/mini campaigns to an ongoing Long Campaign which I think would be great.

Dave R -> (5/22/2000 6:41:00 PM)

Hi Bill and crew. OK here's my thoughts for a Beyond SPWAW. I'd like to see a move towards a real time game rather then turn based, or at least a more intergrated turn based game, allowing more responce actions by the non- active side. One real time game engine that I was realy impressed with was the Microprose X-Com Apocolyps. Something like that would be ideal for me. A more detailed, but indirect orders system, say based on a way point system. One that can simulate the effect of giving orders to the platoon leader and letting him get on with it and not micro managing each element. I guess that on the whole I'd like to see a move towards a battle simulator rather then just a game, something like a land combat version of Harpoon.

Moonpie -> (5/22/2000 7:18:00 PM)

Also Overrun. I think that is missing from this version. Tanks overrunning infantry units.

mme -> (5/22/2000 7:51:00 PM)

I know it's a bit strange, but whats about mixing the generated campaign with some kind of "Clash of Steel" or "Axis & Allies" for having global strategies (control over supply pathes, real encirclements and so on...) and economics? Its just an idea, but I dream of it... mm

PR^Spanjab -> (5/22/2000 9:54:00 PM)

Really cool te see you asking for this kind of input! Most of this might have been said already, I didn't have time to read all the thread, sorry! I would like to see crews with different skills, so perhaps a tank crew could man an AT gun but not vice versa? That would allow a crew to be better than useless after surviving its vehicle's destruction. The info you can get on each unit should be more standard, for example the penetration with range info etc is very useful but doesn't appear in all records, so is the quantity of each type of ammo. Naturally putting it into a scalable windows environment so I can play at 1600x1200 is a must [img]http://www.matrixgames.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] If a LAN/internet version is to be done then perhaps it would be possible for the off-turn player to decide whether or not each of their units engage in opportunity fire or if they should wait for a better shot before giving away their position. I'm sure there are other little things that could be adjusted, but on the whole it is awesome and I would be loathed to make any major changes as you don't want to try to fix that which is far from broken! Spanjab

Charles22 -> (5/23/2000 1:18:00 AM)

1. An asterisk in the force menu, between battles, to let you know that a unit, while not damaged has an imperfection which doesn't show up in the 'cost'. Upon the next battle, I found a PZI had a faulty engine or suspension. 2.CITIZENS!!! With all the buildings possible, you would think there would at least be some ol' cuss who wouldn't budge, which doesn't even begin to speak about citizens where attacks were by surprise. Perhaps even certain specific individuals, such as mayors could be included, so that protecting a specific territory was 'all-or-nothing'. There are certain situations in war, such as protecting citizens from cruel invadors, that you wouldn't be willing to give up that portion of the battlefield for anything. Perhaps the computer opponent would even specifically be geared to kill/enslave the citizenry, where there would not only be a reason, at times, to hold a town, but also even to pursue a unit in order to liberate the prisoners. Wacky? I don't even know if I like it, but it's sure different.

Big Joe -> (5/23/2000 8:57:00 AM)

More campaigns, Eagle was great. (thnks for the fix Bill) I would love to see campaigns for the marines, Brits and Aussies in the pacific. And a German and/or Russian east front campaigns. I'd also like to see more detail to infantry, such as uniforms and sqaud formations. Even the ability to break sqauds into half sqauds. The citizens idea is pretty neat maybe even have city militia or police units.

Wild Bill -> (5/23/2000 9:53:00 AM)

Hey guys, I'm here...listening and writing. If I don't respond each time, I just don't want to make the list longer. But I'm here, monitoring everything you are saying [img]http://www.matrixgames.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] And I'm writing them down. No guarantees, but definite consideration of your request, that is a promise! Thanks Ruxius, and all of you for your support of what we are doing. I need to be thanking all of you. Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

Wild Bill -> (5/23/2000 10:08:00 AM)

How did you come out in that campaign, Big Joe? You never let me know...Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

Big Joe -> (5/23/2000 12:04:00 PM)

Sorry about that Wild Bill. I've been playing it ever since I got the fix and time slipped away! Thought it was great so much better than the pre-generated USMC pacific campaiagn I was playing. MORE PLEASE! Oh real nice taking away the glider drops in Sce.3. I played it with 3 AB plt., 2 Eng sq.3 inf AT Tm's and Jeep 60's. I also took CS-Scotts for support. I fought off the urge to buy better equitment and I think it made my Experience that much better. Thanks once again. I'm off to Tunis. Joe

Redleg -> (5/23/2000 12:45:00 PM)

The ability to place victory hexes when designing non-scenario maps. Victory flags and start lines can be placed in non-scenario custom maps..... if you know how. Go to TGN, Wild Bill's Raiders and read the map-making document posted there by some guy named "Redleg". That will tell you exactly how to do it. The document pre-dates SPWAW but the SP3 instructions work just fine. Redleg

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