General Midi -> (5/26/2000 5:15:00 AM)
Okay let's get started [img][/img]
Improvements to be done:
- Improved terrain -> Better hills / height system, meaning that there shouldn't be only hills with height of 10/15/20 but rather every hex should have their own height-value, and the terrain graphics should be drawn depending on that value. (or something like that) Though that would mean a lot of work to be done...
- Grenade / Explosives effectiveness depending on where used: In small spaces like houses/caves/bunkers the explosing effect should be more lethal to infantry.
- There MUST be some sort of way controlling the bombardment order during deplyoment/first turn. For example: I want gliders to attack AFTER my fighters/bombers have done their bombing run (so that the bombers will get shot by all the AA-fire, not my gliders/troop-aircrafts)
- There should be some way of making the troop/gliders attack orders AFTER the deployment phase, because now if I forget to make the orders in the deployment phase, they will just move something like 9mph during the game when moved one by one (realistic?)
- Hmm, what else... oh yeah! There should be MORE space for weapons for each unit. Currently the 4 slots are inadequate with some units (not all the weapons fit in)
- The melee-idea was fine in 0-range
- I remember there was some sort of weapon-gaining system in SP1 with experience (???). Or then it was a bug, but some of the units (tanks / vehicles) got more MGs or AAMGs for their vehicles when they got more experience (i don't really know). That would bring some sort of exotic element to the game (and more personal units). And relating to subject: If a tank crew should bail out willingly, they could grap the AAMGs from the tank with them (hehe, I've seen too many war-movies [img][/img]) Well that wouldn't be quite realistic (how would you fire with them without any tripod etc.)
The finns used lot of those because they were so badly equipped during first years of war.
- Make the Sniper units able to deploy like partisans/special forces
- Ability for enginers etc. special units to plant explosives etc. to the terraing, for example, to a bridge, and make them explode when wanted (or by turn-based timer etc etc [img][/img]).
- If both sides have fighters, they could counter each other like the Counter-battery firing with artillery (not in the screen)
- Where are the real trenches, where infantry can move without being seen? (watch the finnish movie "Talvi-Sota" and you get the point [img][/img]) Now I can use gullies to work like trenches but it isn't the same thing!
- Ability for the infantry to HIDE in terrain (better for ambushing). Like in hiding snow/mud or climbing the trees in the forest or anything like that
- Tanks should have their tracks hit more often! I haven't seen a SINGLE hit in the tracks in whole game! Is this a bug or a feature?
Well, there is lots of ideas for you, though most of them just suck [img][/img]
Also I must say that I've enjoyed playing the SPWAW, good job! Just get rid of those bugs; which remainds me:
There's one really annoying (?) bug: If unit hasn't got target selected and fires (with key f) the enemy units will start shooting the player's unit (if they have shots left). Same thing occurs when pressing key 'c' and choosing weapon slot which doesn't have a weapon in it. Okay, it seems I'm getting out of the subject, sorry! [img][/img]
Oh, one more thing! Could you tell me what programming language (c++?) & editor/compiler you used when making the SPWAW?