Diamond -> WIF - not HOI... (10/31/2003 4:50:23 AM)
Two reasons I play and enjoy WIF are: 1. It has been thoroughly play-tested over the last two decades and its model therefore proven in many (but not all of course) ways. 2. Although a campaign, much like HOI, takes a large amount of time to complete, WIF is played in a more chess-like manner (no RTS here..) allowing me to plan my actions in advance before our gaming group meets and performs our impulses. If I wanted to play a "lose only 30% of a unit", "division level", "continuous economy/resource planning" game I would play HOI. - I don't. Three reasons I look forward to a computerised version of WIF: 1. The computer does all the calculation, and rules reading. 2. It requires no space and is portable. 3. It will allow planning during for example week-days before our gaming group gathers and play further. ==== If I were Matrix I would concentrate on producing first and foremost a computerised WIF version adjusted to take advantage of the computerisation but only altering (optionally) rules that obviously would hamper gameplay. Only thereafter I would look at other "improvements" since such "improvements" would be new and not tested. I would use my beta testers and/or the WIF community for evaluating improvements and add those as upgrades, v2.0 etc of the game to add revenue streams thereafter.