Very accruate rifle grenades & 2 man HTs (Full Version)

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Larry Holt -> Very accruate rifle grenades & 2 man HTs (8/13/2001 9:38:00 PM)

I have found that the British (probably others but I have not had time to check) rifle grenades have an accurcy of 12 so that they have a 50% of a hit on vehicles at 150m. I find this difficult to believe if they are fired in a high ballastic arc as the US M79/M203 does. However, if they are some kind of direct fire, low arc weapon, then I can see this. Does anyone know about their ballistics. If they are fired at a high angle then it seems that they should have an accuracy of 0. Just to show that I am not biased towards the Germans, how can a German halftrack with a two man crew, drive along and shoot both of its machine guns at the same time??

Grumble -> (8/14/2001 3:00:00 AM)

Anecdotal, but what I've seen they were used almost exactly as an M203 is now. Agree about their to hit capability being pretty good (but then I've still got heartburn about small caliber mortars knocking out AFVs).
Good point on the 1/2 track, although one could extend that to the US M2/M3 series where one guy fires two or three MGs per turn. Since movement isn't considered continuous, maybe the vehicle is halting to shoot, the driver mans the forward weapon, and the commander the other(s)?

Larry Holt -> (8/14/2001 3:08:00 AM)


Originally posted by Grumble:
Anecdotal, but what I've seen they were used almost exactly as an M203 is now. Agree about their to hit capability being pretty good (but then I've still got heartburn about small caliber mortars knocking out AFVs).
Good point on the 1/2 track, although one could extend that to the US M2/M3 series where one guy fires two or three MGs per turn. Since movement isn't considered continuous, maybe the vehicle is halting to shoot, the driver mans the forward weapon, and the commander the other(s)?

I had the same experience with very accurate mortars and now I believe that they will have the accuracy set to zero from 12 (?) or so reflecting that they are an area fire weapon, not a point fire one. Of course, if you do hit a vehicle the HE may kill/damage it but that's another issue. Based on your experience then I think that these rifle grenades should have an accuracy of zero or perhaps 1 (they have more flexabilty in aiming than a heavy mortar tube does). You probably are correct that there are a number of nationalities that need to be looked at. I can accept your explaination if it was decided that this is the case and and not that its just never been looked at before.

Paul Vebber -> (8/14/2001 3:11:00 AM)

In the new OObs Rifle grenades and mortars has a directfire accuray of 0, so they tend to have the the minimum hit % of 5% THe 2 man HT crew is a by -product of the game engine, in reality one or two of the squad would stay back in the HT firing the guns in support (and were often casualties as the rear MG required the firer to be rather exposed). In the new OOBs AAMG are reduced in effectiveness over most other types. SP can't deal with that, but CL will. Unbuttoned troops will be subject to being casualties.

Larry Holt -> (8/14/2001 3:41:00 AM)

Paul, Thanks for the response. I'm going home and changing all my mortar/rifle grenade OOBs to zero right now!

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