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Agua -> (11/8/2003 4:20:11 AM)

LOL!! Creed and his quest for motorcycles. :D I swear to God, they've GOT to put that in there just for you man. Best of luck dude.

Merciful -> (11/8/2003 5:01:18 AM)

It's too bad people still have that negative image associated with WW2ol. Eventually they will lose it once more players start to try out the game, this combination package deal should make a difference.

You guys have to remeber, this game has been around for 2 years. If it was so bad at release, and practically unplayable, do you think it would stay afloat for 2 years? More importantly, do you think anyone would be playing it? It's quite apparent how far this game has come, and how far it is going. If you still have those negative opinions about the game, try it out and see for yourself. The learning curve is steep, but eventually you will see why it has been around so long.

killap -> Motorcycles Ro><><iors (11/8/2003 5:01:56 AM)

I play wwiionline Bump for Motorcycles w()()t!!

WWIIGrunt -> (11/8/2003 7:08:21 AM)

Poor Creed :(

US2AD and proud
coffee is my cup of tea

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