Shanemac -> (11/8/2003 8:42:43 PM)
stright, i have picked off Infanry standing still with the 2 lber. What the game was is not what the game is and not what it will be. This game is forever changeing. Like yesterday I was a lmg walking around the frieghter leaveing Willemstead, Looking down and the cargo hold and seeing a person who was a PZ3 someone else who was and opel. I went to the bridge and was looking out with my binocks. All of a sudden a spitfire came down and strafed the ship but my bad luck i was standing in the way. I was abit mad standing on a boat for about an hour to get shoot by a plane, but that is how life in the game goes. I would have never guess to see this game go so far like it has. If you played the game awhile ago check it out its not the same game. If its still not for you just keep an eye on it , Huge change is coming up that alot of us feel will bring it closer to a real war sim