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Philwd -> (11/15/2003 11:38:06 AM)

on fort building speed. Check your supplies. I have noticed dramatic increases in speed when I got >5X required supplies on the base. Also I didn't see anyone ask if you had your eng doing more than one task. That really slows down the IJN especially with their lack of equipment. BTW I always build air up couple levels before forts lvls to help with the malaria.

Also IJN ship commit level drops like a rock in late July. I can't remember exact date.

#5 I have noticed my pilots tend to top out at 59 EXP even with flying 150 missions. I don't know what it takes to get past that point. Even victories doesn't seem to help. Very few of my new pilots have made it past 59. My game is in mid Dec '42. One exception to that is the recon sqdns. They are all in the 90's now.


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