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Bernie -> Welcome Back! (2/6/2004 5:08:53 AM)

The entire staff at the SP:WaW Depot would like to take a minute and welcome the Matrix forums back to "the land of the living"

We soundly condem the actions that caused the loss of these forums, and the irreplacable data they contained. We offer our full, and total support to Matrix, and it's staff, in any way we can help.

Goblin -> RE: Welcome Back! (2/6/2004 5:13:21 AM)


Hang tough Matrix!

Let us know if you need anything!


Orzel Bialy -> RE: Welcome Back! (2/6/2004 5:20:22 AM)

I "third" that statement.

Welcome back Matrix...and may you guys be able to track down the little SoB. [:@]

KG Erwin -> RE: Welcome Back! (2/6/2004 5:42:18 AM)

I'm glad the Depot crew is coming out in force to welcome back the brothers-in-arms here at Matrix. [sm=00001746.gif]

Matt R -> RE: Welcome Back! (2/6/2004 8:24:21 AM)

Indeed. Many thanks goes out to Matrix for giving us SP-addicts a forum in the first place. Though I think they created a Frankenstein [:D][:D][:D]


Belisarius -> RE: Welcome Back! (2/6/2004 12:01:43 PM)

Good work Matrix! I appreciate your efforts, but for an addict it's hard to be without the daily fix. [sm=dizzy.gif]

Looks like the rest of the Depot boys also found their way here. Niiiice.

Warrior2 -> RE: Welcome Back! (2/6/2004 3:27:28 PM)


tracer -> RE: Welcome Back! (2/6/2004 5:52:52 PM)

Thank god its back up: we had to restrain most of the AoW regulars, and several had nearly chewed thru their chains. [sm=Christo_pull_hair.gif][:D]

Kevin E. Duguay -> RE: Welcome Back! (2/6/2004 7:38:52 PM)

Welcome back! I like the new look!!

PS POO on those that destroy rather than construct, they are the HOLES of the Earth!!![:@]

Nikademus -> RE: Welcome Back! (2/6/2004 7:45:17 PM)

Hi Kevin

Will the lost threads set back the OOB corrections effort? or was that data already implemented?


(and a pox on the basss-tarde who poo poo'd the board)

KG Erwin -> RE: Welcome Back! (2/6/2004 7:59:10 PM)

Nikademus, the OOB team did make notations of many of the suggestions.
Work is in progress on the updates, and we're actually ahead of our original schedule. There is another thread on OOB suggestions at http://spwaw.com, so any further comments can be directed there.

ORIGINAL: Nikademus

Hi Kevin

Will the lost threads set back the OOB corrections effort? or was that data already implemented?


(and a pox on the basss-tarde who poo poo'd the board)

Mark Ezra -> RE: Welcome Back! (2/7/2004 5:47:43 AM)

Matrix is great company Glad you fought your way back...Stronger and better than ever!

stevemk1a -> RE: Welcome Back! (2/7/2004 7:01:43 AM)

Glad you guys are back up ... [:)]

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