bradmbrown -> (8/27/2001 8:43:00 AM)
Had a boardgame once called, oh jeez, I can't remember. Anyway, it was North African Desert. In there were many troops allied to Britain. There were Indians from India, Canucks from Canada, Jewish Brigade from, I think, England, troops from Rhodesia and South Africa. And a lot more.
In the game rules booklet, right in the jacket, first page, the author of the rules wrote a tyrade about Apartied in SA and Rhodesia and Orange Free State, etc, and how bad and naughty the current regime is (WAS)... this is an old game...
I thought a rant like that was a little out of place, a LOT out of place, in a rules set for a game...
I sure hope SA keeps its mighty stature in that region. Now that all folks have a voice, there is WONDERFUL potential for that nation.
Nice and big, lots of good food grown, an educated workforce (and better each year, nowadays), well done industries (I have never bought a product from SA that wasn't top notch), reasonable climate, huge coastline, beautiful parks and rich resources...
Oh, by the way: Rebellion in SA at the eve of WW2?? Nope. HOWEVER, there was a Boer uprising in 1916, Smuts was instrumental in crushing it.