Goblin -> RE: New Version 8 Scenarios (2/27/2004 5:05:00 PM)
If you like my first one, Professionals, then you will most likely love this one. ______Professionals Alternate* USMC Beach Assault/Japanese Defend* ____Pacific Island / August 1943* ____v8.1 / 24 Turns / Island Map* _Designed By : Eric 'Goblin' DiNicola* ____Email : goblin@spwaw.com* __Testers : Ezriver/chief/Redleg** NOTE: This scenario is designed for play from the USMC side only. Play with all options ON except for C&C. Your transports are packed full! Avoid losses to them until they unload. Use smoke cover to your advantage. The landing beaches should be obvious, compliments of naval destroyer and cruiser guns.** A joint OSS Commando / USMC Raider strike on a Type 11 radar station has failed. Famed Colonel Isaac was wounded badly, and the commandos only narrowly escaped to their insertion submarines (play Professionals, also by me).** Now, a month later, the Marines are going ashore again. This time they go in at dawn, and in force. The enemy has had a month to prepare and to be reinforced. Japanese radar stations are under control of their Navy, and the Marines can expect to face Japanese Special Naval Landing Force troops.** The Marines grimly climb the rope nets to their transports, as naval surface vessels begin a thunderous bombardment of the beaches. Navy Dauntless dive-bombers scream by overhead as the landing craft race for the beaches.** Hidden in the hills and jungle of the small island, the Japanese defenders prepare for the Marine assault. Machinegun bolts are worked, grenades brought close to hand, and breechblocks on cannon slammed closed. The defenders will not be taken easily.** TIPS: Turning off some of the naval guns and firing one or two at a .5 delay will still pound the defenders, but leave you a lot of ammo. You have a company of Marines in transports as a reserve. Feel free to be creative with them. Use your landing craft MG's to fire on defenders.* Available now at The Depot forums! Goblin