pasternakski -> RE: Empires in Arms Screenshots -01 (2/16/2004 9:58:57 PM)
Great stuff, Bart, thank you for all your efforts in the design and in trying to keep all the impatient muppets happy. I think the map is absolutely excellent, although I hope the plan is to darken the divisions between sea areas so that they are easier to see. The unit counters? I assume that further development is planned. To be honest with you, I think that they should be wider (possibly even oval rather than rectangular, more artfully bordered (to blend with the map artwork more pleasingly to the eye), emphasize the nation identification disc at the bottom, and include a larger image of the unit type. The background landscapes, it seems to me, are a waste of graphic imagery and confuse the eye of the beholder (just a paean to you old fantasy game players). What about making the unit type image the full upper portion of the icon, figurine fashion, with the nation ID disc a full base for the image, with the text information, now in that unattractive lilac-colored box, in between? Of course, I would be happy if the unit counters looked like a pile of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog's poop as long as the game itself is as fun to play as I hope it will be.